#55 – Your Inner Critic is Fake News! How to Build An Inner Champion for Limitless Success | Empowerment & Career Advice

Do you ever hear that nagging voice of doubt within you, undermining your confidence and ambition? What if you could convert that inner critic into a powerful inner champion? Join us on this game-changing episode of Daring to Leap, where Whitney Alexandra, a renowned performance coach, teams up with our host, Loree Philip, to explore …

#55 – Your Inner Critic is Fake News! How to Build An Inner Champion for Limitless Success | Empowerment & Career Advice Read More »

Do you ever hear that nagging voice of doubt within you, undermining your confidence and ambition? What if you could convert that inner critic into a powerful inner champion?

Join us on this game-changing episode of Daring to Leap, where Whitney Alexandra, a renowned performance coach, teams up with our host, Loree Philip, to explore transforming self-doubt into self-belief. Whitney brings her own story of saying goodbye to the corporate world, embarking on a journey to empower female entrepreneurs, and cultivating an unstoppable mindset.

Built on personal stories and practical tips, this episode promises to reframe your internal dialogue and elevate your personal and professional growth.

Listeners will walk away with:

  • Strategies to reshape your inner narrative for greater success
  • Understanding the potent impact of self-talk on your goals and confidence
  • Tools to reinforce positive affirmations and build an inner champion
  • Insight into the benefits of “Fabulous Fridays” for personal and professional alignment
  • Ways to balance drive with rest to prevent burnout and sustain creativity

Transform the way you converse with yourself and propel your growth. Push play now to awaken your inner champion and start leaping toward your dreams with unwavering confidence!

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[00:00:00] Loree Philip: Hi and welcome to Daring to Leap, I'm your host, Loree Philip. Whitney Alexandra is here. Get ready to learn how to dethrone that pesky inner critic and build your inner champion. Fostering a mindset for success and fulfillment beyond what you think is possible. Make sure to stick around to the end to learn about Fabulous Fridays, an essential tool Whitney uses to help herself and her clients reach their full potential.

[00:00:33] Loree Philip: Let's dive in.

[00:00:34] Loree Philip: Whitney Alexandra is a performance coach for top women entrepreneurs who want to create limitless wealth and a fabulous life beyond their wildest desires. She guides entrepreneurs out of overwhelm and into their first taste of real freedom, joyful growth in their first six figure months.

[00:00:55] Loree Philip: Whitney's spent the past 20 plus years helping powerful business owners [00:01:00] unlock their peak potential. Welcome to the show, Whitney. Thank

[00:01:05] Whitney Alexandra: you. I'm so excited to be here with you.

[00:01:09] Loree Philip: I'm so excited to have you here. It's been a few weeks since we last chatted, but we had such a great pre conversation I'm so looking forward to see what unfolds here.

[00:01:19] Loree Philip: But I really want to get started with you is to hear a bit about your career journey. What were you doing before you were working with female entrepreneurs? And why did you decide to shift?

[00:01:30] Whitney Alexandra: Yeah, yeah, great, great questions. So I spent about the first 10 years of my career working in, in the corporate world, right?

[00:01:39] Whitney Alexandra: And it's so often that we think that's the like safe place to be. And I was building my career. I was working with a lot of executives there, helping them grow their businesses. And there came a day where the company that I worked at was sold. It was chopped up for parts and sold.

[00:01:58] Whitney Alexandra: Wouldn't exist [00:02:00] anymore. And so it was in that moment, obviously I took a little bit of time to grieve the loss of, of that and the kind of roadmap that I thought I would have for my future. And then I started my own business working with entrepreneurs and I really just at the time thought. I want to be the one that writes my own story.

[00:02:22] Whitney Alexandra: I want to be the one responsible for my results. I don't want to be in a place where someone decides what happens to me. And so it really was that moment of like taking control back and, and creating a life that I wanted to live.

[00:02:37] Loree Philip: Yeah. Well, we reflect on those moments. It's so interesting because it was somebody else's decision that you didn't have that job anymore.

[00:02:45] Loree Philip: But then it was up to you to decide. Okay, what am I going to do next? Am I going to go find another corporate job? And it sounds like you decided to do your own thing. At that point. [00:03:00] I can imagine there were some fears, some doubts, some, I've never done this before kind of feelings. How did you navigate that for yourself?

[00:03:09] Whitney Alexandra: It's it was a totally different time back then. That was like 10 years ago, so we weren't zooming and we didn't see all of the online entrepreneurs that we see today. So at that time it was, I was trying to build a network of local. Entrepreneurs that I could really lean on for support and learn from, there was also, like you said, there was also hesitation of like, do I really have this right?

[00:03:39] Whitney Alexandra: Can I make this happen? And so it did take a lot of confidence and courage. Some really good strategy to make sure that I, I felt good with my next step because I mean, leading up to that, it's easy to look back and see that I was burnt out and I was [00:04:00] working too much and I wasn't ready for it. Yeah.

[00:04:03] Whitney Alexandra: Using all of the unique gifts that I have. And so it was really a pun reflection that I was like, this is the only path forward. So it has to work. And so let's make this like the most joyful path forward.

[00:04:18] Loree Philip: Mm hmm. Yeah, it's, it is so interesting because I think what I want listeners to hear is that the doubts and the fears and the I don't know if this is going to work out.

[00:04:31] Loree Philip: Is so human and it happens to everybody. I have not talked to a single person that was like, yep, I. It I just knew I could do it and I did it and there was not one doubt, not one fear, not one day that I woke up where something didn't go my way. And I started to question a little bit, but when we accomplish something and then look back, that's when we can see our growth.

[00:04:58] Loree Philip: And I made the [00:05:00] right decision, but it does take time. To, to get to where we want to go. And that's part of the process. Absolutely. Mm hmm. So I want to shift gears here with you, Whitney, and the topic that we're going to discuss today is, is about building our inner champion. And I really, really love this concept and I think it's so important.

[00:05:24] Loree Philip: There's so much in our own control, in our mindset and how we show up and how we speak to ourself that makes such a big difference in what we do in the world and how successful we are and really, expanding what is possible for us as we continue to build that inner champion. Can you talk to me about why, why it's so important from your perspective?

[00:05:51] Whitney Alexandra: I think we will always be in this place where we've got the inner critic and this healthy tension of an inner [00:06:00] champion. You've always got that inner critic that is Eating away has a message has some fake news to share with you because that's what I say. It's fake news And so we're constantly hearing these things Who are you to do this or think this or will people really buy that or are you that smart?

[00:06:22] Whitney Alexandra: And we're so mean to ourselves and it's just a constant sort of message That we receive are those inner critical thoughts. And so where I really spend a lot of time working with people is to create that inner champion. So that when an inner critic inner critical thought comes up that we have enough strength to like fire back and that you can say, oh, no, that's not true.

[00:06:51] Whitney Alexandra: And here's the proof that I have to back it up. Right. And so building, it's like anything, what you practice. You [00:07:00] become stronger with and it becomes sort of a second nature to where that inner champion starts to take over. And we hear less from the inner critic or we hear about a new topic from the inner critic.

[00:07:13] Whitney Alexandra: It's like, okay, she, she's not going to listen to me about this topic. Let's try something else.

[00:07:19] Loree Philip: It's so true. And I always think about this idea and think. Wow. What if we were on our arm support team, like what a difference would that make? And it, it makes so much sense. Why wouldn't we want it? It wouldn't just make things so much easier, but there are challenges in that because, in my understanding of the programming in our brain, some of these thoughts that our inner critic has been sending us.

[00:07:53] Loree Philip: Have been there for years and years and years and years so it's not [00:08:00] Overnight that you can just decide go away This is what I want to think about now and move forward. So what is what are some of the things? you advise your clients on, on how they can start to make this shift in building their inner champion and get it to stick.

[00:08:23] Whitney Alexandra: Yeah, I mean, you're so right. If you consider 95 percent of the thoughts and experiences and beliefs that you have are a result of Whatever is in your subconscious mind right now. So you're just, it's like we run on autopilot. And so those changes don't just happen overnight, but they can happen with some real focused effort and attention.

[00:08:46] Whitney Alexandra: And so one of the things that I love just as people are starting this journey, you can simply just notice the thought. Right? What is coming up? What is that thought? And so noticing it [00:09:00] and having it be something in your awareness is the first powerful step because there are so many people that go through and they're hearing awful things, but they're not really noticing it or giving that awareness to, Hmm, I seem to be having a lot of thoughts that are like this or about this.

[00:09:17] Whitney Alexandra: So I always think the first step is always noticing the thoughts. And the second part of that is. Is questioning whether or not it's true, right? Is that true or not true? And that can be a really powerful second part of getting to the root of where this comes from and what we do with it next.

[00:09:42] Loree Philip: Yes, I completely agree that. Is it true? It's so powerful because when we're in the moment and we're caught up in our emotions. We're not thinking about facts, we're not thinking about is that true, it just pops into our [00:10:00] head and then we react. Yeah. And most of the time it isn't true for and sometimes it's like, well, it kind of is true, but how would I want to speak to myself even if maybe in the past I've done that before, how am I gonna act in the future?

[00:10:19] Loree Philip: And, and kind of having this conversation about where you wanna go in the future. Because everybody has the opportunity to let go of the narrative of their past. Absolutely.

[00:10:40] Whitney Alexandra: It's like, that's the most powerful thing that we can do is really lock into what is my vision for the future. What does that look like?

[00:10:47] Whitney Alexandra: How do I show up as that person? What kind of habits or actions or behaviors did they take? And it's, it's, it's, it's Starting to model some of those actions and behaviors. It's [00:11:00] starting to tell ourself better, better thoughts, right? If you think about the inner critic telling you a bunch of fake, fake things, right?

[00:11:13] Whitney Alexandra: What is a better lie that we can tell ourselves? I would rather tell myself that I make a million dollars every month or every year than, wow, you're broke. Right? Or, or, wow, you, you are awful with money. And because neither one is true, but which one would you rather believe, right? And so I often think like coming up with something better is.

[00:11:39] Whitney Alexandra: Is an excellent way to start replacing and sort of building up this inner champion and it doesn't need to be as, as big of a swing as what I've just described there. It could simply be, I'm fantastic at managing money. I am great at, I'm a great friend. I'm a great [00:12:00] partner. It could be little things like that that help.

[00:12:03] Whitney Alexandra: Sort of shift, shift your inner dialogue.

[00:12:07] Loree Philip: Yeah. And I I want to reemphasize how important this is, even if you're not going to start a business, even if you're not going for a stretch assignment I, I saw this post on Instagram and everybody knows Mel Robbins. She's amazing. She has a number one podcast and she had posted the number one thing for people to be happy.

[00:12:35] Loree Philip: And she said, you And she posted a few things that it wasn't. And so think people think about gratitude. It wasn't gratitude. Wasn't the number. It's very important, but it wasn't number one. It's not community or support, although it is important. It isn't the number one, the number one thing to happiness is how you talk to yourself, that, that inner dialogue, [00:13:00] are you your friend, are you your foe and because it does shape.

[00:13:06] Loree Philip: Your entire experience on this planet, you're with yourself more than you're with anybody else.

[00:13:14] Whitney Alexandra: Yeah. Oh, I love that. I love you, you sharing that. And it's so true. There is not always going to be a cheering section in your arena, right? There's not always going to be a group of people that want you to succeed and are.

[00:13:32] Whitney Alexandra: Verb verbally, like sharing it all the time. And that's why I think you need to learn to cheer for yourself. You need to learn to celebrate yourself. We celebrate everything.

[00:13:43] Loree Philip: Yeah, for sure. I'm curious, Whitney, how this shows up for your clients. And what a difference it might make for them because what's interesting is in my research and looking at things like imposter syndrome or the self [00:14:00] doubts or the, even the most successful, incapable women and people question themselves, have an inner critic.

[00:14:09] Loree Philip: And, but in your experience, once people start to shift this for themselves, what kind of benefits do they see in reaching their goals?

[00:14:20] Whitney Alexandra: Like the sky is the limit. sky is truly the limit because I feel like once you learn to tell yourself a better story, once you learn some of these tips and tools and things, you bring them to every area of your life.

[00:14:35] Whitney Alexandra: Right. And so it's almost like I call it a success muscle. It's like, we've got success in one area and we're working that muscle and it makes it easier to build that muscle in other areas of your life too. And so what I often see is someone will come. Typically I'm working with someone who has. It has plateaued in their business or professionally, just not excited about what they're [00:15:00] doing anymore.

[00:15:00] Whitney Alexandra: And so there are a ton of negative beliefs that they will hold that are holding them back. Like here, here's one that I think is applicable for entrepreneurs or someone working in another environment. Is like I'm going to have to work more in order to get more. So whether it's working more to get a promotion, working more for that stretch assignment, working more to make more money in my business, and that's not always the case.

[00:15:31] Whitney Alexandra: And so, but it's this belief that they have like, okay, I'm already tired or I'm already working hard. I don't have. Two times as much to give to be able to do that next job or be able to grow my business to that next level. And so I think a lot of it is around these beliefs that hold us back from what we say we really want.

[00:15:56] Whitney Alexandra: And that's just that imposter. It's the inner critic. It's [00:16:00] all of them. They're all bad news, but it's all of them. It's all fake news. And they're just trying to hold you back from that next level of success. And typically what I find when we start working together, it becomes pretty obvious what those blocks are that are holding you back.

[00:16:18] Whitney Alexandra: And then it becomes really easy to say, let's simplify things. And what could we remove that is going to help you get to the next level with more ease and joy and really having more time for yourself as well. So. It's powerful stuff.

[00:16:36] Loree Philip: Yeah. I, I completely agree. And that one you just mentioned is such a common belief that people hold that it's it's ingrained in our society that it, everything it's, you work hard, play hard, or, it, it, that it always takes more effort in this push mentality where people get [00:17:00] burned out in that phase.

[00:17:01] Loree Philip: And it, it's almost the opposite. It's like, if you're that stressed out, your performance is not going to be better and are good enough to get to that level that you want to get to. We forget to create space for ourselves to just be and rest and think strategically and take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

[00:17:27] Loree Philip: Yeah. It's so important.

[00:17:29] Whitney Alexandra: You're, you're so right about the rest and I find this all day every day working with high performers. It doesn't matter what they do, right? They are wired to perform, they are wired to win, they are wired to just like go and go and do and do. And the rest component is so important, right?

[00:17:49] Whitney Alexandra: Knowing that you've got self care that's baked in there and it's not, doesn't need to be a spa day, even though I personally love a spa day. But it can [00:18:00] also be having the time to journal or having the time to get a workout in or focus more on cooking a beautiful meal with your family.

[00:18:11] Whitney Alexandra: That's also self care. And so I think it really comes back to feeling like you've got this nice balanced life that's not totally focused on one area. but also giving you the rest and sort of the fulfillment that you need to continue to drive forward.

[00:18:30] Loree Philip: Yeah. It made me think of, and I'm curious to get your thoughts on this, is this idea that sometimes, especially high performers, especially type a type individuals are people that are really Interested in reaching that next goal.

[00:18:47] Loree Philip: We lose sight of enjoying the journey and enjoying the process. And we're just reaching, reaching, reaching. Like once I get to this level of income, I'll be happy. I can rest. Once I [00:19:00] get this promotion, I can be happy. And I I'll then go do the self care and everything. What in your experience and what you've seen in your clients.

[00:19:10] Loree Philip: Has made that come through as like, okay, that's not going to work. Yes.

[00:19:15] Whitney Alexandra: mean, you're, you're so bang on with that. That is what happens. It's like, once this milestone happens, then I will insert, right. Insert, whatever it is. I will take better care of myself. I'll lose weight. I'll be able to focus on building my business.

[00:19:34] Whitney Alexandra: And that time like never comes. Right. That, that is the reality. It doesn't come unless we work to make it a part of the reality. And yeah, it's, it is so true when you are wired that way, especially the type a perfection, perfectionism and all of that stuff. It just. Keeps you going, and that is the opposite [00:20:00] of what we need to do when we actually just need to create more space for you to recover, recharge, get clarity.

[00:20:09] Whitney Alexandra: Like, I think about so many creative people who don't have the mental time to actually create. And what a shame it is, right? It's like, we know that those creative ideas come from having space. So, yeah, I just think the more time we can spend working less and really focusing on, back to ourselves and being kinder to ourselves, you will see the benefit in all areas of life.

[00:20:40] Loree Philip: Yeah, it's, it's sage advice. Whitney, because what, everything you said is so true, but it's the opposite of maybe what our instincts are. And so, especially in this society, this digital [00:21:00] economy, this information economy, where you have information coming at you left and right, and you're in meetings and then you're checking emails and then you're, you're doing this and you're doing that.

[00:21:11] Loree Philip: You're listening to podcasts, you're listening. I'm going to wave at you right now for listening to this one, but one of the things I had noticed for myself is if I'm always consuming information, I'm always consuming information. I'm always being told, here's the five things you need to do. I'm always in meetings.

[00:21:32] Loree Philip: I'm always reading emails. I'm always taking, writing down actions and doing my work. When will I have time to create, hear my own thoughts? to listen when my body's telling me it's time for a break. so I think you're right. It just. And we probably just need to be more intentional about it.

[00:21:54] Loree Philip: Otherwise, we'll just let the day get ahead away from us. And so whether or not that's [00:22:00] scheduling just a few minutes a day to check in with yourself a few minutes a day of like, what could I do for me today or create some that empty space? And it's going to be uncomfortable because I think as we get trained to always want to click and I have a free moment.

[00:22:17] Loree Philip: So let me check. Instagram, in my free moment, we're, we're just programming ourselves to do, do, do, do, do, any other techniques or tips you have on helping people create a little bit more space in their day? Yeah,

[00:22:34] Whitney Alexandra: it's so many tips. So many tips, Lori. So when I think about there's this, there is a technical phrase called context switching.

[00:22:45] Whitney Alexandra: And so what it means is that you might be working on one thing, then you get an email, then you go back to a project, then you're over on social, Oh no, I'm late. I actually, I'm kind of hungry. Let's have lunch. And so all of that [00:23:00] context switching eats away at your performance. It's a way at your level of focus.

[00:23:07] Whitney Alexandra: It eats away at your productivity. And so for most people, sometimes we get to the end of the day and we think, gee, what have I done today? It's like I had one thing I really wanted to do and I didn't get it done. And the same thing happens and the same thing happens. And so I'm a big believer in.

[00:23:28] Whitney Alexandra: In sort of categorizing your days, having other ways to shape your time. So, for example, if you were someone who needed to work on one project, can you block half of the day? To just power through and work on it where you have no other interruptions, no other people after you. So those are like a few of the things.

[00:23:52] Whitney Alexandra: Also, if you're, if you are self employed and maybe you're meeting with clients, what you could say is, let me have like a client [00:24:00] day. So Tuesdays are a day when you have group calls and client calls, and so you're not having to switch back and forth between, okay, project, social client, this, that, because that can also be mentally really exhausting.

[00:24:16] Whitney Alexandra: So there's so many different ways that we can organize time, organize your focus so that you actually get more done. And it's in a way that feels good and works for you.

[00:24:28] Loree Philip: Hmm. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that. It does make so much sense. And I remember at one time being so proud of being the type of person that could do like five things at once and have like, this while I'm doing that while I have like 10 screens open on my computer.

[00:24:50] Loree Philip: And then I learned about what you just mentioned about how actually you might think doing more in that [00:25:00] time, but in fact, you're, you're not, it's, it's just like a false belief and whatever you're doing, because you're switching back and forth, you're probably just not, is efficient and 2 as focus.

[00:25:12] Loree Philip: So there might be more mistakes and that kind of thing. I appreciate you bringing that into this conversation. we've talked about. Building your inner champion, we talked about creating more space in your day for yourself and to, back on go, go, go, go, go mentality all the time.

[00:25:36] Loree Philip: And we talked about creating more focused time on your schedule. What are the things when you're working with your clients have been really beneficial to them over, over the years that you've been doing your work that you've seen, you know what, this has helped so many people,

[00:25:54] Whitney Alexandra: think giving them permission to dream [00:26:00] so big to set a really big goal, right?

[00:26:04] Whitney Alexandra: I think we've been so wired to set these realistic and attainable goals, right? And there's. Nothing wrong with that, except we are capable of doing so much more and we don't always give ourselves credit for it. And I think part of it comes back to the science of we want to get like a gold star, right? We want to check.

[00:26:27] Whitney Alexandra: Yep. I achieved that goal. And with a lot of my clients, I prefer that we shoot for like. a crazy goal, set a wild goal. And if we only get halfway, no one's upset because we've already two X or three X, whatever the goal was that they originally had. Right. And I just think we don't spend enough time. Really dreaming big enough.

[00:26:54] Whitney Alexandra: And when we do that, it actually opens up this new path of creative [00:27:00] solutions. And we're just so much, we're capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for, and we can do it usually so much faster than we believe is possible. Right. And so learning to take action in a different way and learning to be.

[00:27:19] Whitney Alexandra: when it comes to our own lives is such a powerful tool that I lean on all the time.

[00:27:26] Loree Philip: Yeah. Yeah. That's a really good one, Whitney. And what's cool about a really big ambitious goal is because it's so big. mentioned, your solutions around how to get there are different than if you would have created a goal about an eighth of the size. you would do to get there is step one, step two, step three. And then all of a sudden, if you have this huge goal, you're like, well, these steps aren't even going to come close. So I need to think of something outside of the box. Something I [00:28:00] haven't even thought of. Yes. To get there. And that's where you're expanding possibilities for yourself, which is so cool.

[00:28:08] Whitney Alexandra: Mm hmm. And the impact is there because like often what I say is we have to figure out what the goal is and then we have to figure out like a really practical way to make it happen. And if your mind can see that, like. It's possible, then you can do it, right? And I think that's what happens is, is you think off the bat, Oh, there's no way that my business could grow to a million dollars without hiring more people, or there's no way that I could be considered for this promotion.

[00:28:43] Whitney Alexandra: And often you're wrong. And there is a really clear path forward but you have to think different and take action in a different way. Yeah.

[00:28:57] Loree Philip: it just really opens it up and it does help [00:29:00] if you've, if you believe that you can do it, going back to our inner champion, because instantly I'm sure if you're having these conversations with your clients and they're like, here's my goal, it's this big.

[00:29:14] Loree Philip: And you're like, that's great. What about this one? Right. And the first thing they start to think about is no way. I've never been able to do that before, so I can't now. after list after list. So after you talk them off the ledge, they get past that block and start to open up to see, maybe I can do that because there is a shift before you can just jump into creative ideas.

[00:29:40] Loree Philip: Oh,

[00:29:41] Whitney Alexandra: totally. And the number is overwhelming. And I think lots of times, especially as entrepreneurs, we tie ourselves to the results of our business. So when I think like. Oh, now I'm going to be a million dollar business owner that feels uncomfortable. [00:30:00] It's like the identity also has to shift to support showing up as a million dollar business owner too.

[00:30:08] Whitney Alexandra: And so there's a lot of changes that actually happen. But to answer your question, sometimes with clients, if I think they're going to have an allergic reaction to the number, I don't, I don't show it to them. We just have a, have a dialogue like this and I'll say, let's just throw out some like creative ideas.

[00:30:29] Whitney Alexandra: If we wanted to make another hundred thousand, or if we wanted to double your business, what would be the easiest way for that to happen? Right. And then we start to, we sort of do like a bit of creative brainstorming. And then next thing their business has jumped from 400, 000 to 2 million. And they're like, but that seems really easy.

[00:30:50] Whitney Alexandra: I'm like, that's the point. Right. The point is for it to feel exciting, for it to feel easy, for it to feel like something you want to run towards [00:31:00] and not something that you have to do. And I think so many people are thinking, okay, this is what I have to do to be successful. And I think there is a different roadmap for every person, right?

[00:31:14] Whitney Alexandra: Yeah.

[00:31:14] Loree Philip: Mm hmm. There is a different roadmap. And, of us get caught up in trying to replicate the roadmap of somebody else. And when that somebody else leverage their own talents and skills and network to get there, it's probably not going to work for you if you don't also have the same talent skills and network to, to replicate it. so I always advise everybody to lean into their own strengths and what they love to do and what they. Naturally gravitate towards because they'll be able to keep it up. That consistency is so important. you, you're, you're nodding your head. I'd love to hear your thoughts on consistency.

[00:31:59] Whitney Alexandra: Oh yeah. [00:32:00] I mean, even just to talk about joy for a minute. feel like following the joy, you will never go wrong, right? You will, your business might morph into a new area or something like that, but you cannot go wrong if you show up and do things that you love and you do them with joy, no matter, no matter the business or, or, or career that you have. yeah, I'm such a proponent for, Showing up with joy, living a life that you, it's filled with things that you desire. And the consistency becomes easy when you enjoy what you're doing. Yes. The consistency becomes easy when, and here's the thing, consistency is hard. think like, Oh, actually I'll get more done if I just do a 90 day sprint.

[00:32:54] Whitney Alexandra: No, actually you'll get farther if you have smaller [00:33:00] goals, but it's something you do consistently. That habit is, is what's actually going to make the difference and make you more successful. It doesn't matter if it's a wellness goal, if it's a business goal, if it's a personal career goal. Okay. Showing up and doing something consistent, doing the right things consistently, are going to help you immensely.

[00:33:22] Loree Philip: Yeah, definitely. before we wrap up, I'd love to hear about Fabulous Fridays, because I know we were going to talk about that and it hasn't weaved into the conversation. Will you share with our listeners about Fabulous Fridays? Yeah.

[00:33:40] Whitney Alexandra: And I think it's such a great bow to put on all of the great things that we have already talked about because fabulous Fridays are a day that I encourage all of my clients and I'm going to encourage all of your listeners to, to live as their future self.

[00:33:57] Whitney Alexandra: So I call them fabulous Fridays and [00:34:00] it's a day when you show up, you do things that are in service to future. Lori, future Whitney, future whoever, and so I'm showing up on those days working on things that are a strategic priority. I'm showing up doing self care for myself. I'm showing up maybe making some new connections.

[00:34:24] Whitney Alexandra: And so it's really like an awesome day for you to be very intentional about the next level that you're working towards. And for me, what I found working with so many. Amazing leaders is that we get so stuck in the day to day working towards our goals right now that we forget about planning for the future version.

[00:34:49] Whitney Alexandra: And so what can we do to fill that cup? What can we do to? Really support her growth or to do something for your future self. So, [00:35:00] yeah,

[00:35:00] Loree Philip: love it. I love the intentionality behind it. I love the space by creating it on Fridays and I've always loved Friday. It's my favorite day. I, I have an extra spring in my step on Fridays and, and just taking that time for you in whatever way that makes sense. this quote that I saw on Instagram. I have no idea who, who wrote it, but it was if we're going to rise, we might as well shine. And, and I just think we can embody that every day, but if we can't embody it every day, we can embody it on Fridays and work on that extra bit of glow for yourself on Fridays.

[00:35:49] Loree Philip: I

[00:35:49] Whitney Alexandra: love it. And I think if you're someone that is new to this concept of fabulous Fridays, it doesn't mean that you need to take the entire day and go to [00:36:00] the spa for the day, even though, like we said, I'm, I'm going to cheer you on with that. Yeah. But it can also be that you pick like, For, I go for lunch with a great girlfriend and that's in service to my future self, or I'm journaling in the morning if I, if I need to be at a nine to five type of job, it can start small and then it can be something that you continue to grow.

[00:36:24] Loree Philip: And what just came to mind for me as we wrap this up and thinking about fabulous Fridays is if you don't really know. your future self is or who you want your future self to be. That is a great first step for your fabulous Friday. Spend just 15 minutes and start thinking about. Who you want your future self to be, what kinds of things would she be doing?

[00:36:49] Loree Philip: What kind of joy does she have in her life? What kind of career does she have? How does she show up? And start to write these things down, and then [00:37:00] you'll know who you're working towards as you continue to work on yourself on Fridays.

[00:37:06] Whitney Alexandra: Absolutely. Great tips.

[00:37:07] Loree Philip: Awesome. Well, it's been such a pleasure, Whitney.

[00:37:10] Loree Philip: I'd love for you to share with our audience about where they can reach you, connect with you, find more about your work.

[00:37:18] Whitney Alexandra: Thank you. Yeah. I love hanging out on Instagram, so you can find me there. I'm Whitney Alexandra. And then online, it's WhitneyAlexandra. co.

[00:37:28] Loree Philip: Well, that makes it easy to find you. Very easy. thank, thank you again. I just really love this conversation and I know listeners are going to get so much out of it. So I really appreciate your time.

[00:37:42] Loree Philip: Thank you for having me. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe. If you're already a subscriber, don't forget to share the podcast with a friend.

[00:37:56] Loree Philip: make sure to tune in next week. Personal stylist [00:38:00] Nicole Russo will be here to discuss how you can build confidence. By dressing for success. I hope you have an amazing week. It's your time to shine Bye!

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