# 10 – Become a Problem Solver: Use This Shift to Get Unstuck & See Creative Solutions | Empowerment & Career Advice

Problems are everywhere!  Discover a powerful shift in perspective that will turn your focus from problems to creative solutions, empowering you in your career and personal life. In this episode on Daring to Leap, you’ll learn the step-by-step approach to changing your mindset and finding solutions instead of dwelling on issues. You’ll become the person …

# 10 – Become a Problem Solver: Use This Shift to Get Unstuck & See Creative Solutions | Empowerment & Career Advice Read More »

Problems are everywhere! 

Discover a powerful shift in perspective that will turn your focus from problems to creative solutions, empowering you in your career and personal life.

In this episode on Daring to Leap, you’ll learn the step-by-step approach to changing your mindset and finding solutions instead of dwelling on issues. You’ll become the person who brings creative ideas to the table, and it can elevate your career and make your life better.

By listening to this episode you’ll:

  • Learn the powerful technique of shifting from “problem-centered” to “solution-focused” thinking.
  • Be empowered to turn frustration into creativity, leading to more effective problem-solving.
  • Unlock the secrets to standing out in your workplace by consistently offering innovative solutions and elevating your life and work.

Tune in now to gain the skills that will set you apart and improve your career and personal life. Don’t miss this valuable episode!

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Loree Philip:

Hi and welcome to the Daring to Leap podcast. I'm your host. Loree Phillip. I'm so excited to dive into this week's episode with you. On this week's episode, we are going to talk about how to shift from seeing problems to seeing creative solutions and why it is important so that you can elevate both your life and your work. 

Loree Philip:

Before we get started, I'd like to tell you about a free guide and workbook I created called Career Energy Boost five strategies to add life and vibrancy to your career. If you're burned out or have lost excitement in your work, you do not need to start from scratch to start enjoying it again. 

Loree Philip:

Career success is more difficult when you lose enthusiasm. If a career energy boost sounds like something that would be useful to you, make sure to check out the free ten-page guide. You will find the link to it in the show notes. 

Loree Philip:

Problems are everywhere. They pop up in life, in work. They are so easy to spot, to complain about, to point out to others. I'll be honest, I do love an occasional gripe session with a friend or a colleague and a few of you that are listening have had these conversations with me. 

Loree Philip:

I'm not saying to stop doing this, there is certainly value in getting something off your chest. But what I'm really talking about here is imagine if you were the person in your life and at work who saw how to solve these problems and could consistently bring forward creative ideas and solutions to the table.

Loree Philip:

I'm telling you right now, companies are paying top dollar for employees and leaders who consistently do this because there will always be problems to solve. But there are a limited number of people who can shift from seeing the problem, admiring the problem, and move into this open, creative space with ideas to solve them.

Loree Philip:

So how do we make this shift? What is important here is to understand what happens when you're talking about a problem. So imagine you're standing in the middle of a long line, and on one end of the line is a problem and you're facing the problem.

Loree Philip:

And on the other end of the line is the opposite the solution and your backs to the solution. And this is what typically happens. We're looking at the problem. Our back is at the solution, and you just can't see it.

Loree Philip:

When you're focused on a problem, your thinking, your energy, your emotions are shining a big light on the problem and energizing it. What happens, especially in a work setting, is that we try to make this giant shift from the problem over to how to solve it.

Loree Philip:

So it might look like you're at work, there's a big meeting because there's this problem that popped up and now your boss leader team is basically saying, figure it out. What do we need to do? And and in that point, it's really hard to see it because you're still looking at the problem, your back is still at the solutions.

Loree Philip:

And when you shift into how, you might shift a little bit, but you still can't see it. So although it's useful to understand when you have a problem, it. Is not really helpful. Beyond that, focusing on the problem and having that frustrated energy really shuts down your thinking and creativity.

Loree Philip:

It's like your whole body and mind just starts to compress. And that motion of having an issue will not allow you to have any sort of creativity openness. Thinking around this problem and really at that point, asking yourself, how can I fix this? 

Loree Philip:

Isn't that helpful? The power really shifts. And what I'm here to teach you is when you notice a problem and instead of jumping over to the how, there's a step in between that I want you to start practicing. 

Loree Philip:

And that step is, what do I want instead? So every time something pops up, gosh, I'm always tired. What would I love instead? What do I want instead? Gosh, my kids, they never pick up after themselves. 

Loree Philip:

What do I want instead? This HR process, they're so slow. What do I want instead? So that shift, basically, is you standing on that line, facing the problem and turning all the way around and staring towards the solution.

Loree Philip:

You may not see it, but you're looking towards it. There's a goal. There's something you want. That vision and think, thinking creatively about what you want opens you up. It takes you out of this frustrated feeling into a more open, expansive, possibilities thinking.

Loree Philip:

And now you have a goal. You have an idea of what success looks like, you have an idea of what you want, then you ask yourself, how. That's when you can come up with the steps you need to take or can take to solve the problem.

Loree Philip:

And when you do that, the bright light of your thinking, your energy, emotions, is on something you want. You will start to see the solutions. They will come in, they may not come in right away. And this takes practice.

Loree Philip:

And you can start practicing on all the little things in your life. Because when you start noticing yourself thinking about all the problems, that's when you have opportunity to start asking yourself, what do I want instead?

Loree Philip:

And then you could start making steps towards getting to what you want instead of just admiring the problem. And I don't want you to beat yourself up over this because it happens to everyone. And this is why learning and starting to practice this technique will help you stand out in your career, in your work, make your life better.

Loree Philip:

Because we're not going to just look at the problems anymore. We're going to start deciding what we want and then making it happen and thinking about how to make it happen. And that's when your life and your work gets elevated and you start getting the things that you want. 

Loree Philip:

Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe and tell a friend. And don't forget to check out my free download. Career energy boost: five strategies to add life and vibrancy to your career. 

Loree Philip:

You'll find a link in the show notes. Hope you all have an amazing week. Until next time. Bye. 

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