#82 – Unlocking Transformation: How One Thought Can Change Everything + A Powerful 5-Step Process for Long-Term Success

Can one single thought really change everything in your life? Imagine if that single shift in perspective could set the stage for remarkable changes in your mind, emotions, and daily actions. In the latest episode of Daring to Leap, Kerry Tepedino, best-selling author of “One Thought Away” and CEO of One Thought Away Project, sits …

#82 – Unlocking Transformation: How One Thought Can Change Everything + A Powerful 5-Step Process for Long-Term Success Read More »

Can one single thought really change everything in your life? Imagine if that single shift in perspective could set the stage for remarkable changes in your mind, emotions, and daily actions.

In the latest episode of Daring to Leap, Kerry Tepedino, best-selling author of “One Thought Away” and CEO of One Thought Away Project, sits down with our host Loree Philip to discuss how one crucial thought can be the key to your transformation. Kerry also shares her powerful 5-step “One Thought Away” process for achieving transformational change.

This conversation will redefine how you view self-care, mindset, and lasting change, drawing from Kerry’s own journey of overcoming low self-esteem and an eating disorder to becoming a successful entrepreneur and mentor.

By listening to this episode, you’ll:

  • Discover the concept of being “one thought away” from transforming your life.
  • Learn how a mindset shift can create immediate and lasting impacts.
  • Understand the importance of self-respect and self-love in setting healthy boundaries.
  • Gain insights into becoming and staying present in your everyday life.
  • Explore practical strategies for maintaining long-term positive changes.

Ready to unleash your potential and transform your life? Tune in now and discover how one pivotal thought can make all the difference!

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[00:00:00] Loree Philip: Hi, and welcome to Daring to Leap. I'm your host, Loree Philip. Can one single thought really change everything in your life? Stick around as our inspiring guest, Kerry Tepedino reveals how shifting your mindset can be the pivotal moment that transforms your world. Sharing practical strategies from her best selling book, One Thought Away.

[00:00:26] Loree Philip: Let's dive in.

[00:00:28] Loree Philip: Keri Tepedino is the bestselling author of the One Thought Away book and CEO and founder of One Thought Away Project, a global company and movement that has influenced 250, 000 plus people to transform their lives.

[00:00:45] Loree Philip: Carrie struggled with low self esteem, a lack of self worth, and poor body image which spiraled into a personal battle with an eating disorder. This journey led her to a poignant and defining moment in her life where she got to make a decision to [00:01:00] continue down the path of unhappiness and poor health or find the freedom and happiness that her soul always craved.

[00:01:07] Loree Philip: Welcome to the show Carrie. Hello. Hello. I'm so glad to be here. We're gonna have some fun. Oh, I'm so excited to have you here. I really am and I'd love to just Dive into your story a bit, which we kind of alluded to in the bio, but you know, you're doing all this beautiful work right now with one thought away, but what got you to get to this point to decide to focus all your energy and attention on some of the mindset work in the inspirational work that you're doing now?

[00:01:41] Kerry Tepedino: Yeah, it's probably like some of your other guests here. We, we go through our own dark night of the soul chapter, right? Which really for me, it had me hit a rock bottom where I was at this point where I, I really was forced. I mean, it's always a choice, [00:02:00] but I felt forced to make a decision.

[00:02:01] Kerry Tepedino: Either get yourself up off this bathroom floor and turn your life around or not. And but let me just go a little bit into the story. So our friends know what exactly happened and how I got here so it can help them. So after college, went into the Peace Corps, moved back to the States after my stint in the Peace Corps and was working for a software company.

[00:02:22] Kerry Tepedino: I was doing graphic design for a software company, either being visual communication. So I, I. Went into that, that field. And, what I didn't have is I didn't have a lot of great skills to manage stress. I didn't have a great mindset to manage stress and I had a really big project at work at the time and it was due the next day and I was super stressed about it.

[00:02:46] Kerry Tepedino: What is my boss going to think? What are my peers going to think? Am I going to do a great job? I'm how is that going to impact my, Future at this company. Like you, you just had the normal concerns. And and I remember [00:03:00] driving home that night and I was, I can even see it. My hands are on the wheel.

[00:03:05] Kerry Tepedino: I'm driving home. I can even see where I was on the freeway. And I kept telling myself, don't stop at the store, Carrie, don't stop at the store, Carrie. Because for me, the way I would check out escaping them out from stress, anxiety, worry, is that I would. And I had an eating disorder. I was 50 pounds overweight or 50 pounds heavier than I am today.

[00:03:26] Kerry Tepedino: And and. And it was the way that I didn't stay present to what was going on in my life. I checked out, escaped, and I'm out that way. So pull into my neighborhood. Where do I buy myself? Of course, I buy myself at the store. And I say, Oh, this time it's going to be different. I'm going up and down the aisle, filling my cart with all my comfort foods.

[00:03:47] Kerry Tepedino: This time it's going to be different. This time, all this food is going to last. A whole week or two weeks, like any quote unquote normal person. Right. And I check out, pay for my groceries. I'm putting them away at home. [00:04:00] And at this point I am truly hungry. It's, it's past dinner and I haven't eaten yet.

[00:04:06] Kerry Tepedino: And I I unscrew that. Blue lid on a peanut butter jar, and I peel back that silver foil, and I get my spoon, and I'm just gonna have one sip, and one turns into two, turn, two turns into three, and as my spoon hits the bottom of that peanut butter jar, My heart breaks because once again, I've broken trust in myself.

[00:04:31] Kerry Tepedino: And so for me, at the time, I was bulimic, and I took that long walk down my hall. I can even feel the, I can feel the carpet underneath my feet. That long walk down the hall to the bathroom where I try to purge it out. Doesn't work, especially with something as sticky as and heavy as peanut butter. And but that night was different.

[00:04:52] Kerry Tepedino: Because that night I found myself crying on the cold white tile floor of my bathroom [00:05:00] and I was really scared because my electrolytes were, I'm sorry, my heart was racing and I knew enough about health to know my electrolytes were imbalanced. And a friend of mine from college had, her mom had died of an eating disorder.

[00:05:16] Kerry Tepedino: Actually, I was just talking to that girlfriend today. Her momma died of an eating disorder because her organs failed. So I had a direct example of if you do not get up off this bathroom floor and turn your life around, you quite honestly are killing yourself. And it was the first time I really thought about it that Like that it was kind of just a habit I had taken on.

[00:05:41] Kerry Tepedino: It was a way that I didn't stay present. It was a way I checked out, but I never really considered the, the bigger impact that I was having on my health, my cardiovascular system, my gut health inflammation in the body, obviously my dental health, my skin, my complexion. Like there were [00:06:00] things that were occurring that I wasn't really.

[00:06:04] Kerry Tepedino: present to. And when I allowed myself to have a come to Jesus conversation with myself, it actually scared me, right? It scared me. And that was a turning point. That was a defining moment for me where I decided yeah, I'm, I'm gonna get up off this floor and figure this out. I'm gonna turn my life around.

[00:06:23] Kerry Tepedino: God has more for me, has more in store for me than this. And looking back in hindsight, Wow, in those moments that are so hard, I, I do believe God was there in that moment to help me turn that around because it wasn't a, it was the strength that it took to turn, to get off that floor and make a different decision was huge.

[00:06:45] Kerry Tepedino: Right. Because it's an addiction. And so, then what happened is I, I traveled the world. I learned different modalities. I'm a holistic health practitioner now, certified counselor of nutrition, and I'm also a [00:07:00] biodynamic craniosacral therapist, which is trauma resolution. And so then I put together the program, my business that I have now, and I say my business, Birthed itself over 20 years ago, because it was the very thing I needed, but I couldn't find right.

[00:07:16] Kerry Tepedino: And I couldn't find it all in one place. And so that's how I ended up with the business that I had today now over two decades. Wow.

[00:07:24] Loree Philip: What a journey, Carrie. I, I really, I really want to pause to appreciate this journey because We all are, we all have challenges and what I, I really resonate with your story, especially about the moment where you just started to see things a little bit differently and, and that difference in perspective supported that strength to get up off the floor, kind of.

[00:07:53] Loree Philip: A ha moment. And I had a similar point in my journey, although I wasn't, in a place [00:08:00] like you were, where I looked at everything and for whatever reason, I saw it differently and it was this higher perspective, like this perspective that came on down and, and supported me to start to really see the truth of what was going on with me in my career that I had never seen before.

[00:08:18] Loree Philip: You're amazing. And, and so for people that are listening and watching this sometimes those moments are so pivotal and right in our face, and sometimes those moments are subtle, and we have to be quiet enough to listen to them, and hear them, and let that seed be planted, because it might not be one person.

[00:08:39] Loree Philip: Thank you. Quick turnaround. It might be just a planting of a seed that now you start to see Things and you start to build the courage over time to overcome whatever is going on with you So I'm so curious about this idea of one thought away

[00:08:56] Kerry Tepedino: It feels

[00:08:57] Loree Philip: so empowering to me this idea that we [00:09:00] have within our control

[00:09:02] Kerry Tepedino: In

[00:09:02] Loree Philip: our mind, one thought away from changing our situation, our life, going for our dreams, what have you, where did this come from and start for you?

[00:09:15] Kerry Tepedino: Yeah. So one thought away was something we've been teaching. For years and years and years it's part of our one thought away. It's part of our five step process. I'll go into the process for you because I think it can help our friends here today, but then what we ended up doing a few years back is out of our whole process.

[00:09:35] Kerry Tepedino: We pulled out. The mindset piece and we said because the mindset piece becoming the, the women that we want to be and creating the lives that we really want to have, like mindset is an aspect of every piece, right? It's such a foundational piece and without the mindset piece, it's hard to get to the emotional regulation.

[00:09:59] Kerry Tepedino: It's hard to [00:10:00] change your habits or your rituals. It's hard to stick with protocols that you know are going to work with for you. Even though intellectually that they're going to work. It's hard to stay with anything, business strategy, finance strategy, relationship strategy, health strategy.

[00:10:14] Kerry Tepedino: It's hard to stay Through all of that, like through the ups and downs of the journey, unless you had the mindset piece. And so, the mindset piece was something that was such a through line in our, our teachings that we then pulled it out a few years ago and published the one thought away book, which had hit number one bestseller in multiple categories on Amazon, which is really great.

[00:10:40] Kerry Tepedino: But, We wanted to, we, meaning my team wanted to really focus on that piece because it, it touches everything, right? And so, one thought away. So even like the tagline of the book, you'll see your one thought away from having your dream life or not. And those last two words are really important. [00:11:00] Mm-Hmm.

[00:11:00] Kerry Tepedino: The or not is actually really important because the or not is that slippery me moment of hesitation that so many of us experience and it's that moment. Where you make the old decision or you make the new decision. And if you make the old decision, you're going to go into the old story, the old labels, the old old patterns, the old mindset, the old thoughts, the old way of being in relationship to your emotions.

[00:11:25] Kerry Tepedino: The old results, right? Or boom, in that slippery moment of hesitation, which happens so fast, you make a different decision. And that different decision is called the pattern interrupt. It interrupts what you've always known. And from there. It's like this new opening, like this new door can open where something different can actually occur, but nothing different can actually occur unless you make a different decision.

[00:11:50] Kerry Tepedino: And so that's that one thought away piece. Like you're one thought away from having the old thought or having a new thought. And [00:12:00] so we have a five step, one thought away, five step process. Would you like me to share that? Do you think it could support? I do. I do. Carrie, if you, you're so generous to share it, that would be great.

[00:12:10] Kerry Tepedino: Okay. So it, cause, and one reason we have the five step process is because I studied the brain a lot as well, how the brain works the mind. And it's important for all of our friends here to realize your brain is going to hook into Some plan, it's going to hook into something and it's going to work relentlessly to make that plan or that vision come true for you, even on a subconscious level when you're sleeping, because whatever you believe cognitively, whatever you believe, it must prove itself.

[00:12:40] Kerry Tepedino: Right? It must prove you. Right. Right. And so that's why we say it's really important to give your brain the plan that you want it to hook into and not just allow it to hook into some default plan. Or some plan that is being led by worry or stress or created by stress and worry and [00:13:00] anxiety. Like you want to be really, really careful and strategic about that.

[00:13:05] Kerry Tepedino: So so the five steps. So the first step of the one part of a process is mindset, obviously. And the reason again, is just because your mindset is touching everything. If you don't have even if you don't have a glass half. Full mindset, but you have a glass half empty mindset, your, your mind, which is one of your greatest tools, your mind is working against yourself.

[00:13:31] Kerry Tepedino: So on this planet, I would say most people are not leveraging the greatest tool that they have access to, which is their mind. They're not leveraging it in a way that they really could, so that it could with more great grace and flow, like they could just be going to their next level. Level of potential.

[00:13:49] Kerry Tepedino: So number one is mindset. Number two is emotional mastery. And the reason why emotional mastery is number two, and it's, it's like married to mindset, right? Because they so greatly impact each [00:14:00] other. But, but the emotional mastery piece is really important because how we have a direct relationship to our emotions is impacting what we think, but it's also impacting what we're doing.

[00:14:11] Kerry Tepedino: The, the actions that we take day in and day out and the actions that we consistently take become our habits. And our habits are a hundred percent of the time impacting our results. So really learning that your emotions are just data. It's just data. Your emotions are messengers. They're messengers to tell you if you're on or off track to what you really want to create in your life and who you want to be.

[00:14:34] Kerry Tepedino: Then number three is relationship to self. Are you treating yourself with kindness, respect, adoration love? Are you treating yourself with love? Like what is that foundational relationship that the foundational relationship for you to have in your life? What does that look like? And so that, that's a really important one.

[00:14:57] Kerry Tepedino: We have a lot of strategy around that. And [00:15:00] then the fourth step is becoming and staying present. So, so often people are living in the fear. Or worry of the past or the fear, worry of the future. And they're not actually living here right now in this present moment. And they're checking out, escaping a number numbing out for me, it was food and eating.

[00:15:19] Kerry Tepedino: For many people, it can be the same, or it could be drinking, or it could be drugs or medication. Nowadays I didn't have to deal with this when I was, when I was at my initial stages of healing. But nowadays there's social media, like my gosh. Yeah, I was thinking social media

[00:15:37] Loree Philip: for sure

[00:15:38] Kerry Tepedino: online shopping like that.

[00:15:39] Kerry Tepedino: Like there's a couple other vices thrown into the mix now that I didn't really have to deal with so much. But those are definitely some of them that are, taking the world by storm. And then the fifth one is learning to sustain your transformations. So, If you get the proper support, if you [00:16:00] get the right strategies in the right order and the right people around you, and you're following this process, there's absolutely no reason why you can't transform any area of your life.

[00:16:11] Kerry Tepedino: And then what we want to make sure is that you're not some one hit wonder where you, yeah, where you might hit your goals, but you don't sustain it. And then you like, give yourself another reason to beat yourself up. Like, see, it never works or it never works for me. It works for everybody, but me. It's like, no, like we really.

[00:16:28] Kerry Tepedino: Probably go stronger and deeper than most communities I've met with this first step because we want you to be the hero of your own story. We want you to not depend on us. We're not your hero. We're Yoda. We're the guide. You're Carrie Fisher. You're Princess Leah, right? We're, we're Yoda. You're Luke Skywalker, whatever hero you want to be.

[00:16:47] Kerry Tepedino: And because when you own that, when you own Getting mastery skills when you own the results of you starting to shift and change your life, then you, you also get to have a peace [00:17:00] of mind. Like, wow, if I, if I created this result once. Then I can create another result, and another result, and another result.

[00:17:06] Kerry Tepedino: You start to identify with yourself as a person who is a strong starter and a strong finisher. You start to identify with yourself as someone who can succeed. And so that is a huge, huge part of the fifth step. Otherwise what happens is you just continue to cycle, right? Yeah. Decade after decade. Yeah.

[00:17:27] Loree Philip: I really love the holistic nature of the process because as you were going through it, I was seeing in my mind, okay, this is makes so much sense, but also some of those pieces when they're missing, that's where people revert back, or if they're just focused on mindset and they don't look at the relationship to their self, or if they're just focused on results and they haven't even touched any of the other stuff.

[00:17:57] Loree Philip: behind it. So I really, it's [00:18:00] obviously very well thought through proven all of the things because they're it's, it's all connected, right? Mind, emotions, habits, actions, all the things. And the one piece that I really love that you have in there is the relationship to self right after the emotions, because.

[00:18:21] Loree Philip: That piece will impact so much your mindset and your emotions if you don't. And sometimes we don't think about it. We think our relations, our emotions, as it relates to everybody else and everything else in our environment or our mind as it relates to everything else. And, but we're one of the biggest either critics or supporters of ourselves, and it can make such a big difference in how we show up in our results.

[00:18:50] Kerry Tepedino: It really does. And if there's not a commitment to yourself and you're training yourself to treat treat yourself with kindness and [00:19:00] respect and love, then it's very hard also to set that example for the rest of the world on how to be in relationship towards you or with you. Right? So that relationship to self is it's just such a critical piece.

[00:19:12] Kerry Tepedino: And when I was growing up, I had someone that I really respected say you're the one person that you can guarantee will be with you to the moment you die, right? As much as other people might say, I will be there, I promise, like, you just don't know, but we know that we will be with ourselves up until that very last breath.

[00:19:34] Kerry Tepedino: And so even putting that into context, like, okay, why, why would I want to abuse her? Why would I want to mistreat her? Why would I want to, and abuse doesn't just have to be physical abuse. Like what would I, what I was doing with the binging and purging, it could be emotional abuse. It can be mental abuse, right?

[00:19:53] Kerry Tepedino: Like it can happen on a lot of different levels. And so, when we start to really shift that our [00:20:00] relationship with ourselves, then we also set like this, this ripple effect out into the world of like, this is what, this is what I'm available to. I'm unavailable to be abused anymore. I'm unavailable to be mistreated.

[00:20:16] Kerry Tepedino: I'm unavailable to be, gas lit I'm unavailable to that and we start to form different boundaries for ourselves and for how the world is in relationship to us. It's really, really important.

[00:20:30] Loree Philip: Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad you brought to that ripple effect because, I don't think we talk about it enough around if you want more respect, you need to respect yourself.

[00:20:41] Loree Philip: If you want more, people to show you love, you need to show yourself love first. And it, it kind of feels counterintuitive for some people because they're looking at the environment and just grasping for what they want. But it. We can start with ourselves [00:21:00] and it's so empowering to know that because that's something we can control to your point.

[00:21:04] Loree Philip: We are with ourselves always, right? So we can make that change and it's one thought away,

[00:21:13] Kerry Tepedino: right,

[00:21:14] Loree Philip: Keri? One

[00:21:14] Kerry Tepedino: thought away, yeah. Well, much, much of healing, as Lori, much of healing is counterintuitive, right? Because it's going against what you've been taught. Done in the past, a lot of the time putting yourself first, making sure you have time in your routine for self care, for good hygiene, for taking care of how you present yourself and how you look like, like none of that is, is.

[00:21:39] Kerry Tepedino: Ego driven it and it's not a luxury. I think many women do put themselves last and think, Oh, I'll get to me when I'll get to me when I have time. If I have time at the end of the day, I'll get to me. I'm going to take care of the kids first or the grandkids first or, or whomever it is. And so it's counterintuitive.

[00:21:57] Kerry Tepedino: It is, there is a retraining process, [00:22:00] but like, as I have three young kids. I would not be able to be present with them if I didn't take care of myself first, right? If I was just gorging on sugar all the time and I was super inflamed and I wasn't getting enough sleep or I wasn't if I wasn't taking care of myself, if I wasn't in prayer every day and reading scripture every day, things that fill my cup, then I could only give my three kids so much.

[00:22:29] Kerry Tepedino: And, and so we set the example and we are moving more and more into this feminine movement, right? And era of of the feminine and in the feminine is such a powerful source of, and the feminine energy is in all of us. It doesn't really matter what your gender is, but, but it's this, this powerful energy of creation and intuitive, being intuitive, your intuition.

[00:22:56] Kerry Tepedino: And, and, Fun and slow [00:23:00] and ease. And so I think as women, especially in this day and age, there's more and more women who are the breadwinners or who are super successful and holding down the home. And I know this was my experience in, and in which case it becomes even more important that we're also taking care of ourselves.

[00:23:19] Kerry Tepedino: And taking care of ourselves first.

[00:23:21] Loree Philip: You're absolutely right. There are so many demands on our time and if we let it, we'll never get to ourselves. Right. And we, I think I've had this conversation about self care before and it's, it's like, we all know that we're supposed to care for ourselves.

[00:23:41] Loree Philip: We love ourselves. But when we look at our actions and how much. Time, are we actually taking for ourselves as a priority? There's this big disconnect there between what we know we should be doing and what we're actually doing. And this goes back to, I think what you were talking about [00:24:00] earlier, Carrie, like You could know all the information, you could have all the strategies, but if your, your mindset is not aligned, you'll never get there.

[00:24:14] Loree Philip: And, which is unfortunate because we start with that, like, okay, well, I want to lose weight, so I need to go do this program. And you might start and fizzle out just like a New Year's resolution, right? And then you need all the other pieces in the flow that you laid out to keep yourself. Shifting in the right direction and staying there and not faltering and all the things.

[00:24:36] Kerry Tepedino: Well, New Year's resolution. So this is really interesting because I thought that most people hit at least a month in, like, I was like, okay, most people probably hit February, but recent research shows that most people only make it to like day 14, if that, right. So it seems like the time. That for that for the percentage of people that actually [00:25:00] stick to resolutions or goals or whatever is becoming shorter and shorter.

[00:25:04] Kerry Tepedino: And so it's, it's, what is, what is, it didn't need to be a resolution for us to focus in on, on how we want to be living our lives, but what if this was just our lifestyle, right? Because that resolution thing isn't working for most people. And then also coming back to what we were talking about before Laurie is it really is about having the right strategies and the right order and the right people around you to make sure.

[00:25:33] Kerry Tepedino: That you don't just hear good strategy, but you also implement, like there's that level of accountability, mentorship. And, I just don't know anybody who really skyrockets to the next level of their life without support. I have mentors. My mentors have mentors, right? Like research shows that, those people who are the most successful at creating the lives they really want to create, they have [00:26:00] support.

[00:26:00] Kerry Tepedino: They're not doing it as mom wolves or islands by themselves, isolated islands. Like they're in community. They're, they're getting support to make it happen.

[00:26:09] Loree Philip: Yeah. And it's talk about counterintuitive. Like it makes sense. But I think what we're doing now is a lot of us are like, I should, I don't want to ask for help or I should be able to handle it on my own.

[00:26:24] Loree Philip: And we look at. External examples of that person. I saw her on the Instagram. She has it all together. But does she how much support does she have that you can't see? Right?

[00:26:37] Kerry Tepedino: Yeah. And maybe she does have it all together, but she has five people helping her and which is okay. There's no, there's nothing wrong with that.

[00:26:44] Kerry Tepedino: Right? Right.

[00:26:45] Loree Philip: Yeah, we don't get any special awards for doing it all ourselves and being exhausted at the end of the day for juggling everything, when we get

[00:26:56] Kerry Tepedino: support and ask for help and it's a sign of [00:27:00] strength, not weakness. Like I think some people have been conditioned to think like I was just holding a retreat for some of my clients and what came up in the room was that one of the women was sharing.

[00:27:11] Kerry Tepedino: That she had been trained to think that asking for support was a sign of weakness. Like it was just it was just kind of the culture she grew up in and it just had an impact on how she thought. And so there was a big breakthrough there when, when we worked through that piece, like. What if, what if asking for support was actually a sign of strength, not weakness, because you're being courageous and brave enough to say, no, I deserve, like, I really do deserve to be that woman that I want to be, have that life that I want to have with the finances and the health and all the things.

[00:27:47] Kerry Tepedino: And and if somebody else has tips and strategies for me, so I can. Save time, save money, save heartache to be able to get to that [00:28:00] result sooner than later, then, then why not? It's a sign of strength, not weakness. So allow yourself to get support.

[00:28:08] Loree Philip: Yes. Thank you for bringing in that example because I mean, that is one good example, and we can really apply it to so many areas of our life, where we have made really deep ingrained beliefs and assumptions around something that we can change.

[00:28:24] Loree Philip: And it's, it's that thing that we decided was true, is holding us back like, like getting help is a weakness. It doesn't have to be and so I love the idea too of when we're stuck to really question what what are our assumptions around this that are really holding us to being stuck because oh they're just Ideas that we made up at some point in time, it made sense to make them up and we did it for a reason.

[00:28:56] Loree Philip: But now if they're not supporting you [00:29:00] you can shift that. And, and for people making that breakthrough, like, Oh, I, I could just change it. Right. It's, it's, it's within my control to do that.

[00:29:10] Kerry Tepedino: Absolutely. We do something called thought swap. Actually, this is really, this will be good to share with our friends.

[00:29:16] Kerry Tepedino: So we talk about thought swaps. In my book and, and here there's something at the end of every chapter, we call them principles and they're actually, we had a professional designer design them, and there's a link at the end of chapter one, where you can actually go get and get a visualization as a bonus to help you through the book, but also you can print these out and then put them around your home.

[00:29:38] Kerry Tepedino: So these thought swaps are even in your peripheral vision all the time. So that again, you're training your brain to. Assume a different reality for yourself. And so, with these thought swaps I just opened this up to this one. Like, a common belief to disrupt. It's no use. It's no use. I might as [00:30:00] well accept it as it is.

[00:30:01] Kerry Tepedino: Lesson to learn. I don't know what can happen if I try, but if I don't try, nothing will. Right, and this comes on the backside. This is a chapter 9, you guys. So it comes on the backside of whatever was taught in chapter 9. But then you can see this one has 10 of them. And so those thought swaps are really powerful because again, it's really supporting it's called neuro linguistic programming.

[00:30:22] Kerry Tepedino: But what we're doing is we're putting different talk tracks in your brain. We're laying different programming in your brain so that your brain starts to, see the world through different glasses, through a different perspective. Your brain starts to see the world through. A perspective of course, I can create that life.

[00:30:42] Kerry Tepedino: Of course, I can be that woman. Of course, I can have that body or that level of fitness. Of course, I can have a bank bank account that's overflowing. Of course, I can whatever it is. And and, and the thought swaps shifting that mindset is that mindset piece again, which is [00:31:00] step one of the ones, one by the way process, right?

[00:31:03] Kerry Tepedino: It's, it's just so powerful. So even think about like a radio station a radio station sends out certain signals Like I want to listen to rock and roll. Well, if it's sending out rock and roll signals, it's not gonna get country music back Right. So if we're sending out thoughts or if we're sending out Ideas of my life is hard.

[00:31:24] Kerry Tepedino: It's always a struggle. We're gonna get that back because It's the law of attraction, life attracts light. And law of attraction, people might say, Oh, law of attraction, that's so woo woo. But there's a lot of universal laws. And so, like, the law of gravity, if I say, okay, when I let go of this, it's gonna drop, well, you don't question it, because it's the law of gravity.

[00:31:45] Kerry Tepedino: The law of gravity, you, everybody, we all know that the law of gravity is a real law, except for if you're out of space and you're an astronaut or whatever. So you would never question the law of gravity. So then why would we question the law of attraction? Why would Right. Why would we ever question [00:32:00] that?

[00:32:00] Kerry Tepedino: Why wouldn't we just leverage it as a tool that can help us create the life that we want to create? Super powerful, super powerful. When you allow yourself to get the proper support to then realize like even having that dream life, it's not that far out of reach what if I could get that in a year with proper support or two years?

[00:32:21] Kerry Tepedino: Right. Which in the long run is just a drop in the bucket to your lifetime.

[00:32:27] Loree Philip: Yes, yes, yes, I, I, I love all of it, Carrie, and I really appreciate the examples from the book because I think a lot of people want to shift their mindset, but they don't know what their blocks are. So it's nice to have some examples that, that, That once you're reading through them, you might resonate with a couple like, Oh, I do do that.

[00:32:48] Loree Philip: Yes. And you might not have realized it before until you had this prompt to look at it.

[00:32:54] Kerry Tepedino: Right. So,

[00:32:56] Loree Philip: well, we're going to start to wrap up here. Carrie, I'd love to hear any final [00:33:00] thoughts you might have for our audience today. Yeah. Words of wisdom, any closing thoughts for us?

[00:33:06] Kerry Tepedino: Yeah, so all of our friends here you guys, you found this for a reason.

[00:33:11] Kerry Tepedino: There's something that led you to this conversation. And so trust that trust that there's something deep inside of you on a soul level that knows you're made for more, or you're ready for a breakthrough or you're ready for a pattern interrupt. So you were led here for a reason and just. Hearing this is not enough.

[00:33:32] Kerry Tepedino: This is an appetizer to the main meal. Hearing good information and not doing anything with it isn't enough. It's just that now you just have heard a good thing. Conversation. So then you get to ask yourself, so what's that action at least one action, the next 24 hours or 12 hours. What is that one action that I'm going to take from this conversation?

[00:33:53] Kerry Tepedino: And you know what, going and getting the book is a great, a great action, like, because that's going to help keep you in the [00:34:00] conversation. That's going to help keep you focused. And no matter what your current. Economic status or shape or size or health status or whatever it is that's going on in your life right now, I truly believe if you get the right strategies in the right order, you can, you can absolutely turn your situation around when if your situation is great right now, then let's make it extraordinary.

[00:34:22] Kerry Tepedino: If it's extraordinary, extraordinary right now, let's see how we can play and take it to the next level again. There's always something every everybody.

[00:34:29] Loree Philip: Yes, there is. Well, thank you for that, Carrie. I really appreciate you. If you could share with our audience where they could reach out to you, learn more about you and the book.

[00:34:39] Kerry Tepedino: Yes. Okay, you guys. So find me on Instagram and Facebook. I love to play with you guys. We put out a lot of really beautiful, inspiring, help keep you motivated, help keep you on track content. There's just my name, Carrie Tepedino or one thought away project on Facebook. And then we have a gift for you guys.

[00:34:58] Kerry Tepedino: If you go to one [00:35:00] thought away, book. com. Forward slash sneak, like sneak peek, S N E A K. We give you the first chapter just as a gift, okay? So, and then if it resonates, you can go grab the rest, or you can just go get it on Amazon if you want. But one thought away, book. com forward slash sneak, for sneak peek, S N E A K.

[00:35:23] Loree Philip: Great. Well, I really appreciate you today, Carrie, just bringing all of your experience and wisdom forward into the conversation.

[00:35:31] Kerry Tepedino: Thank you so much. You're doing awesome here, Lori. What you have got going on and what you put into the world is so valuable. So thank you so much for having me. We always love to play with you.

[00:35:41] Loree Philip: Hmm.

[00:35:42] Kerry Tepedino: Thank you.

[00:35:43] Loree Philip: Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe. If you're already a subscriber, don't forget to share the podcast with a friend.

[00:35:55] Loree Philip: I hope you have an amazing week. It's your [00:36:00] time to shine. Bye.

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