#76 – The Key Aspects of Personal Image You Need to Know to Boost Your Confidence and Career | Empowerment & Career Advice

Have you ever wondered how your personal image can open or close doors in your professional life? What if mastering your image could transform how others perceive and interact with you? In the latest episode of Daring to Leap, Loree Philip hosts a captivating conversation with Linda Yates – known as the image energizer – …

#76 – The Key Aspects of Personal Image You Need to Know to Boost Your Confidence and Career | Empowerment & Career Advice Read More »

Have you ever wondered how your personal image can open or close doors in your professional life? What if mastering your image could transform how others perceive and interact with you?

In the latest episode of Daring to Leap, Loree Philip hosts a captivating conversation with Linda Yates – known as the image energizer – an international keynote speaker, executive coach, and stylist, who reveals insights into the critical role of personal image in today’s world.

This episode goes beyond surface-level tips, diving deep into the subtleties of personal image and nonverbal communication, and how these elements shape our daily interactions and long-term success.

By listening to this episode you’ll:

  • Discover the importance of first impressions and how they are formed in just seven seconds.
  • Learn about the 93% of our communication that is nonverbal and its impact on personal image.
  • Understand how sleep, rest, and fun contribute to projecting a positive and authentic image.
  • Gain insights into crafting your personal brand by focusing on intrinsic strengths, values, and passion.
  • Explore how servant leadership integrates with personal image to foster a sense of fulfillment and resilience.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with practical strategies to enhance your personal image and project confidence and authenticity in any situation.

So why wait? Hit play and start transforming how you present yourself to the world today!

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[00:00:00] Loree Philip: Hi, and welcome to daring to leap. I'm your host, Loree Philip. Do you want to know the key aspects of personal image that can skyrocket your confidence and influence how others perceive you listen in as Linda Yates, a renowned executive coach breaks down the central elements of your personal image and offers us practical tips to elevate our presence and confidence.

[00:00:29] Loree Philip: Let's dive in.

[00:00:30] Loree Philip: Linda is a highly sought after international keynote speaker, executive coach, author, stylist, and corporate trainer. Linda has produced over 300 educational seminars on helping individuals and businesses uncover, realize, and accomplish their goals.

[00:00:49] Loree Philip: Welcome to the show, Linda.

[00:00:53] Linda Yates: Oh, thank you. I am honored to be with you today. I love the name of your show too, by the way. Oh, thank

[00:00:59] Loree Philip: [00:01:00] you. Thank you. I'm honored to have you here and I can't wait to talk, to get into the main focus of our conversation today, which is about personal image and crafting our personal image.

[00:01:14] Loree Philip: But first, I'd love to hear a bit about you and your story. What were you doing before you started doing this important work? And was there any pivotal moments or reasons why you decided to switch?

[00:01:27] Linda Yates: Well, okay. So it actually, this was what I knew I was supposed to do at age 13, but I switched out of fear for many, many years, roughly almost a year.

[00:01:43] Linda Yates: Yeah, I'm, yeah, no, I'm only 35, but yeah, we're all

[00:01:53] Loree Philip: only 35,

[00:01:54] Linda Yates: but I, I knew, I knew at a very young age that what I'm doing [00:02:00] now is what I had dreamt and felt like it was my mission and my path to do. It basically started with getting involved with a multi level networking company. And hopefully your listeners or viewers won't all of a sudden go, Oh, switch.

[00:02:20] Linda Yates: Because this company was focused on, on image. It was focused. And so I was 13 years old and my a youth leader in my church had got me introduced to this because she had done a class one youth activity on skincare and she was just this beautiful lady. And I was just like mesmerized of the skincare aspect.

[00:02:47] Linda Yates: And then talked about makeup and things. Well, that was my first sales job at age 13. I sold my parents on the fact I needed to get involved with this company. And they, they [00:03:00] invested in me. And this was a long, long time ago because no, I'm not 35 much, much older. And they invested in me almost 300, which is a lot of money.

[00:03:11] Linda Yates: To invest on number 5th child of 7 children and I joined this group at age 13 and I was sitting in this seminar and there was a woman by the name of Tricia quiet. She is still alive and I, as I sat there. She made me believe what was possible for me, and it kind of starts even before that in an experience that I had, and it's in my book, Beyond the Clothes, Image and Presence, but it was an experience I had about, probably about nine, eight years old.

[00:03:44] Linda Yates: Anyway, but I'm sitting there at age 13, and I was like, something's possible for me. I could do what I dream and I knew that what she was doing was what I wanted to do and help others discover for themselves. So I [00:04:00] knew at age 13 that what I'm doing now is what I wanted to be doing. So, That's kind of the path.

[00:04:06] Linda Yates: And like I said, I let fear get in the way. I married at age 18 and a half. In fact, in the next week from this recording, we are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. It's been a joy. I bet. It's very humbling to, to, to, to Let's be celebrating this, but my dad, he was really concerned.

[00:04:32] Linda Yates: My husband is six and a half years older than I am. I was in college and he was very concerned that, well, what if something happened to Doug, how would you, how would you move forward? I was very young. How would you move forward? And so I was, I was selling, I was selling with this company. I was doing face designs.

[00:04:53] Linda Yates: I was doing color analysis. I was, I was. I was involved [00:05:00] with some modeling with it as well, and I kept doing it even when we were first married and having children. But because he was in my head, the sphere, I thought, Oh, I got to find another job. And so then I started on my corporate journey and at that point.

[00:05:18] Linda Yates: And my, my corporate journey, like I said, it's been over the last, it was 25, 28 years. And through that corporate journey, wherever I was though, the common theme, wherever different organizations I worked in, I worked in seven different industries and the organization, the company I worked for, the one common theme was Linda.

[00:05:41] Linda Yates: We want you to get on the stage or in front of the group, in front of the prospects and share, share who we are. You be the you basically be the front, the face of the organization or the the communicator. And that was the common theme. And so as time [00:06:00] went on, I began to be more confident in things and, and my first client had reached out to me, an attorney, and she wanted help with basically putting, kind of stepping in and expanding her confidence in what she would wear to court and to trials.

[00:06:22] Linda Yates: And that, that began, that began, The journey of doing executive coaching and then an image leadership communication coaching. And that was, that's kind of how it all started to the point. And when I actually did that first engagement, I was director of education at an organization and about a year and a half after I had that first engagement, and I only did a couple clients here and there, my whole department was cut.

[00:06:55] Linda Yates: And I had felt prompted. I'm extremely faith based [00:07:00] and I have felt prompted by God that I needed to launch this conference, put on my own conference about six, seven months before my entire department was cut. And my position was cut. And when that happened, that was two thirds of our family income. And so it was like, okay, here we go.

[00:07:19] Linda Yates: And my husband was extremely concerned. My husband is extremely supportive, but his big concern was. You're going to run out of time. You're going to run out of time. What's the statistics for someone doing their own thing? We're going to run out of time. But I, it's been now, I've had my, I've had my business in a full time route for about 13 years now.

[00:07:43] Linda Yates: So that's my journey.

[00:07:45] Loree Philip: Wow. Wow. Oh, it's so cool to hear all the pieces of it. And what I love about your story is that you always had that common thread that never left. And depending on who you [00:08:00] talk to, some of us, Have an idea, but then we lose it and we were doing something completely different. And then we come back to it later in life, or we just really never had a dream or a, a goal like that, or an area that really lit us up that much that we were aware of.

[00:08:19] Loree Philip: And then to then come back to it in the end and have it now be your full time focus is so beautiful. And so congratulations on that. And then. I'd love to switch gears here a bit, Linda, and talk about personal image. Why, why is personal image so important for, for people to understand and think about and implement for themselves?

[00:08:44] Linda Yates: Well, it is everything that will open the door or close doors, quite frankly, in your face. If you're not cognizant and conscious, Of how you view yourself and how you show up to the [00:09:00] world and quite frankly for yourself it's one thing to think about. Oh I got to look good or I got to put on whatever for the world, but really at the end of the day, what it does is that it impacts what happens in our hearts and, and how we can move that forward for ourselves.

[00:09:20] Loree Philip: Yeah, it is one of those things where and I don't know what the stat is exactly, but the, the idea that people end up deciding about who you are and whether or not they want to engage with you, talk to you, like you within so many seconds of meeting you, a person. So good, bad, or indifferent, our presence.

[00:09:44] Loree Philip: And how we show up, does have a really strong impact in people's initial reactions to us. And then you can change it, but it's hard to change after that if it's a very strong initial position that somebody else has about you. [00:10:00] That's

[00:10:00] Linda Yates: so true, Laurie.

[00:10:01] Loree Philip: Yeah,

[00:10:02] Linda Yates: that stat is about seven seconds, actually.

[00:10:06] Linda Yates: Seven seconds? Mm hmm.

[00:10:08] Loree Philip: That's so quick, because the people don't even have a chance to say something.

[00:10:13] Linda Yates: That's right. Well, that's that's one of the biggest things, too. Nonverbal communication is 93 percent of the way we communicate. So, 7% And especially, like if you're speaking, presenting, you're leading a meeting, whatever the case may be, and you may be so concerned with your PowerPoint deck or your outline and everything you've laid out, well, guess what?

[00:10:36] Linda Yates: That's only 7 percent of what's going to be communicated. So we get so focused in what those words are and what our message is that we probably, we discount greatly how we're showing up non verbally. Okay.

[00:10:51] Loree Philip: Yeah, that's so important, and we probably don't think about it enough, like, cause it's very easy to get consumed in the [00:11:00] details.

[00:11:00] Loree Philip: So my initial question when I was thinking about personal image is, what's the difference between personal image and personal brand? Can you help us understand the nuance there?

[00:11:12] Linda Yates: You bet. That's a really great question. And quite frankly, Lori, I had never really thought about it in that differentiated way.

[00:11:20] Linda Yates: So, I did a little research with regard to it, and brand is basically the intrisintrinsic Aspects that make up who you are, so what your strengths are, what your vision is, and what your values and what you're really good at, and quite frankly, what your passion is, that's your brand. And those are the things that intrinsically come across.

[00:11:47] Linda Yates: Whereas your image is. Is, is how you walk, how you talk, how you eat, how you dress, and how you're showing up in the world. And that's really the difference between the [00:12:00] two.

[00:12:00] Loree Philip: Yeah, so I also haven't really thought about it in that much of depth, but I could see where You know, we, this goes back to what we were talking about in terms of messaging, like almost like the personal brand is more of an intentional way to craft the messaging around what you stand for, what your gifts are, what your skill set, what you bring to the table, who you are from a messaging perspective.

[00:12:29] Loree Philip: And then when we talk about all of the other stuff is how you show up, Your presence, like these types of things. And, and I think that's a key difference because there's so many areas and I get it, there are so many as women professionals in career, there are so many topics. Oh, I got to, I got to be authentic and I've got to have a personal brand and I've got to do this and I've got to do that.

[00:12:56] Loree Philip: And I, there's so much, right? Like where, [00:13:00] where do I start? And so I just wanted to try to clarify that here for the audience on personal image. And when we were talking previously, Linda, you had mentioned to me that you'd done research on this, quite a bit of research on this and studying and that you had identified 15 aspects.

[00:13:20] Loree Philip: Of personal image, and we're going to, we're not going to talk all of them today because we've run out of time. But let's start talking through some of the key. Top, maybe 5 or so that you feel are the most important for people to understand on of different aspects of their personal image.

[00:13:39] Linda Yates: Okay. Yeah, there, there are a lot and I, I took, I took five out of that, which some of you might think, okay, now that's interesting.

[00:13:48] Linda Yates: Maybe I never thought of that. I am not going to speak about clothes. Okay, I'm not going to speak about clothes and a lot of you may be thinking. Oh, well I would think that that's what you would and the [00:14:00] clothes are such a Again, it's a personal aspect, but I'm not really going to go into the clothes I am going to talk about a little bit of the communication that I mentioned earlier.

[00:14:09] Linda Yates: So let's talk about words So as I said only seven percent the way that you communicate or show up is with your words and your words have power and The words that you say to yourself impacts the way you show up. So if you are dissing or really just you know, laying it out like, Oh, you're stupid. You're, you're lazy.

[00:14:36] Linda Yates: You're like, you're a procrastinator or whatever. You're giving yourselves these words. Then guess what? You're going to then show up in that way to the public and quite more importantly to yourselves. And that's really the main message I want to get across today is that your image is always projecting.

[00:14:55] Linda Yates: It is always, it's like the sun. So the sun. If there's [00:15:00] not a cloud, I know we just had an eclipse, so if there's not a cloud or a moon in front of the sun, it is always, always projecting. And what's interesting about the sun is it's got these rays that project out. So let's say that that's us, we're the sun and we're projecting out.

[00:15:16] Linda Yates: But when that ray hits a reflection, it actually comes back. So the image that we project out actually then Bounces whatever individual experience, how we show up when we look in a mirror and it comes back and it tells us, tells us something about ourselves. And so I really want you to understand that your image is projecting out, but it's always projecting back in.

[00:15:44] Linda Yates: So I want you to keep that in mind. So those words are really important. The power words. Also the words. One of the biggest things. Speakers are trained to do, and this is one of the things that individuals engage me with, engage me to help them with, [00:16:00] is to help them craft words that are going to be impactful, and also to sound confident.

[00:16:08] Linda Yates: One of the best ways to do that is to recognize are there certain phrases or words that you use as crutch words or filler words when there's not any Words being spoken, are you using a word to fill the space and time and being cognizant and conscious of, I say, er, are or so a lot, all you got to do is turn on a politician's ad campaign or a debate, and you can count how spacer words, because we are so programmed to think we have to fill.

[00:16:45] Linda Yates: The space with words for volume and when you can take a pause, take a beat. You are showing your confidence. You're able to gather yourself and quite frankly people that are interacting with you [00:17:00] Your words will be able to process and catch up with to them. So words are words are key So I wanted to talk about that.

[00:17:05] Linda Yates: So that's one. Can I ask you a question about that? Yes, ma'am

[00:17:09] Loree Philip: Is that is that that was the we were gonna go on to the next one, right? I can yes, but I wanted to ask about words, for clarification for my own clarification. I love this. I love that. We're starting with this because I also am a big believer in.

[00:17:26] Loree Philip: The words to yourself are so powerful. So that we're talking about then our internal dialogue, and even though we're talking about that to ourselves, because we're projecting like the sun, as you beautifully explained, Linda, those thoughts come out in the way that we show up. Right. And actually, I was talking to my son about this just the other day, because he's a jokester.

[00:17:53] Loree Philip: He loves to joke, but he would, he was saying things like, to [00:18:00] me. You're so mean or something like that. But he's like, just kidding. Or he would say, I don't love you. I do just kidding. And I actually stopped him and I said, Miles I know you're being funny, but your body and my body don't know that you're joking.

[00:18:18] Loree Philip: And so when you say these words. I still get that initial like negative response. My body does, even though I know he actually do love me or I'm not being mean or whatever, and he kind of like had this look on his face, like, Oh, I didn't think about that, but it's. We want to talk to ourselves internally in such a way that we can feel good about it, that we believe it, you know what I mean?

[00:18:45] Loree Philip: Like even if you don't quite believe it, like shifting it out so that we can project out what we actually want to project out

[00:18:50] Linda Yates: into the world. Right. Yeah, you said that so beautifully, Lori. Again, capturing and leaning into those strengths. So I [00:19:00] love the fact that you said maybe we don't believe something.

[00:19:02] Linda Yates: Well, is there something you could believe? If you could believe something about yourself, what is it that you could say to yourself that you maybe could believe? And that's a great way to start. That's awesome. All right, these non verbals I alluded to the non verbal communication being 93 percent of our communication.

[00:19:20] Linda Yates: Non verbal communication includes, are we making eye contact? Are we smiling? Are we open in our postures? Are our shoulders back? Are our abdominal in? Are we standing up straight? Are our feet grounded to the floor? In fact, what's really interesting, if you go do any kind of Experience where other people are at.

[00:19:45] Linda Yates: And if you are uncomfortable, if you were to glance at your feet, your feet will be pointed towards the door because subconsciously there's things that will happen with our bodies and being aware of what my nonverbal. [00:20:00] Cues are out to the world and again, to myself, is a way to understand what your image is projecting and is it the image you want to project?

[00:20:11] Linda Yates: Is it adding to your confidence? Think about the times when you're down or you're angry, your body will respond in a different way. And this is why I'm not, how old is your son? Actually,

[00:20:25] Loree Philip: I'm talking about my daughter. My son is almost nine. Yeah. Almost nine. Okay.

[00:20:30] Linda Yates: Almost nine. So you're, you're, your son is almost nine when he becomes 10 to 13 that middle school, junior high age, whatever y'all call it, wherever you're where you're at, I love them because you know exactly what they're thinking because their bodies will show it.

[00:20:52] Linda Yates: If they're upset, if they're happy, if they're joyful, they don't learn how to mask that, whereas [00:21:00] adults start masking that. And so our bodies are always projecting and communicating out. And so non verbals is a huge, huge aspect of how we can step up our image, again, show up, but also then change emotionally what is happening.

[00:21:20] Linda Yates: With us. So for instance, I use the first So first cue of, well, what if I'm feeling down or I'm depressed, the first thing you can do is get your body up straight open and out. And the more you do that, you're going to change that physiology and that will actually change what's going on in your brain.

[00:21:44] Linda Yates: Hmm.

[00:21:45] Loree Philip: Yeah. The nonverbal is so interesting. And given that it's 93 percent of our communication, I do feel like we need to pay more attention to this. And so when I'm [00:22:00] listening to the pieces that you pulled into the conversation, I was thinking, okay, so the first step would be starting to notice your language, your body language in certain environments.

[00:22:09] Loree Philip: For me, I noticed, I don't know why, I just feel comfortable crossing my legs. I felt there is something like that kind of shifting like this, and I'm always wondering to myself, like, why do I do that? I need to open up, I need to kind of sit up more. And so this, the first step is certainly understanding what kind of nonverbal communication that you're giving.

[00:22:32] Loree Philip: And then I love the tip that you provided because. There's a reason why you're showing up that way. And if you're not feeling great, you're going to show up that way. And so then you can choose, how do I want to show up? And then what can I do to help my body feel better so that I can show up in a, in a more powerful, intentional way.

[00:22:52] Linda Yates: In fact, that actually leads to one of my other, what I call, Rays, the way that we are. projecting out. [00:23:00] And quite frankly, you may be surprised by this, but rest. Rest is such a huge aspect. If we're getting enough rest or if we're not getting enough rest, we will show up, act, be, interact in certain ways. And so rest is really important.

[00:23:19] Linda Yates: Not too much, but definitely enough. In fact, there's some crazy statistics that talk about how sleep deprived we are as a as a people in, in the world, especially in the United States, because we're we go, go, go. After all that, we have a fast world. We have a lot of information. We don't turn off that information.

[00:23:42] Linda Yates: So rest is really, really key.

[00:23:45] Loree Philip: I love any excuse that we can give ourselves that shows us that it is important to take breaks, to sleep, to rest. So I'm all about it, Linda. So everybody can just, We do need it, even if, and I've always been the [00:24:00] type of person that loves to, I love to sleep. So I, I'm kind of, I go to bed early, that kind of thing, but I know a lot of people feel, believe that they don't need that much sleep and maybe they don't, but it does make a difference in, in how you feel and show up.

[00:24:15] Linda Yates: And at some point there will be a deficit in your life, and I can attest to that there was a period in my life where I was traveling every other week I was in a major city speaking, and what would happen is I'm also a runner, and so I would, I would because. I would be out late with the group I was speaking to, and just getting to know them, having a good exchange and having fun.

[00:24:40] Linda Yates: But because I was so intense that I needed to get that workout in, there were nights after night after night, it was like four hours of sleep. And I would just I'd just go, go, go. But I know that It created a deficit in different ways in my health that it will have to [00:25:00] catch up at some point. And so that sleep hygiene, that rest hygiene is no joke.

[00:25:04] Linda Yates: It is really powerful. It's powerful in being able to shed, shed weight. Rest is really key for that. It's also really important for your, just your mental acuity. So there's lots of. benefits of rest and to be acknowledging that. All right. The next one is leadership. So leadership and the way that you can show up and, and that, that also kind of ties to your personal brand because it comes from your strengths.

[00:25:33] Linda Yates: But what I want to focus more on is servant leadership is how can you lift Others, how can you serve others? And when you serve others, you then are lifting how you feel about yourself. And then it just, it just multiplies and it will lift your spirits. And then, and there have been experiences in my life where, I mentioned the [00:26:00] fact of losing a six figure income, which was two thirds of our family income.

[00:26:05] Linda Yates: And that was really devastating for me. And one of the best ways that I was able to navigate through that process was focus on, well, who can I serve? Who can I help lift? Who can I help today? And by focusing on that, then I felt better. I felt better about the disappointments were, and then shortly, we've been here now in this, in coastal Georgia, we've been here for eight years and Six months after we moved to coastal Georgia, it was, we were empty nesters and my mother passed away and that was a really hard thing.

[00:26:49] Linda Yates: And I hadn't, hadn't lived near my folks for years and years and years, but going through that loss was huge. And what helped me the most. [00:27:00] Was to see who I could help and one of the biggest things that was a powerful experience for me was I knew I knew her time was limited. There were certain signs and I knew I needed to get out there and she had not eaten her drink for almost five days before she finally passed.

[00:27:20] Linda Yates: But I was committed. She also had Alzheimer's. And my father had had to put her in a home about 13 months before and she was, they were married 60 something odd years and have seven children. And she was convinced in her brain that daddy had wanted to divorce her and that that's why he put her in a home.

[00:27:41] Linda Yates: And it was so heartbreaking for me. And when I was out there with her on her last few days, I was so determined that she would not die alone. And I was able to be with her and that was that was a really impactful and it changed my life in so many different ways. It changed [00:28:00] how I look at things. And so servant leadership is a really big aspect.

[00:28:06] Linda Yates: I believe of this image that we project out.

[00:28:09] Loree Philip: Yeah. And I hadn't thought about servant leadership as an aspect of personal image, because when we think about personal image, we're thinking about how we show up, but how we show up in is part of being in service to others and having that, intention around it.

[00:28:29] Loree Philip: And one of the things that I've had in conversations with other amazing speakers and experts and leaders is that. When, when you're scared to put yourself out there, whether it's speaking, whether it's leading, whether it's, it is helpful to think about who you're going to help

[00:28:51] Linda Yates: in

[00:28:51] Loree Philip: doing what you're doing and to take that focus away from yourself and your ego.

[00:28:58] Loree Philip: And, and focus it [00:29:00] in on the end goal of in service of others. And so it really lines up nicely with what you're talking about, Linda.

[00:29:08] Linda Yates: You, you said that beautifully as well. In fact, a client I had many years ago was a teenager and she really struggled with anxiety of performance anxiety. And that was one of the things that we worked on.

[00:29:20] Linda Yates: And we worked through was that process of realizing that her gift of music, her gift of her voice, The way she's saying was a gift. It's a gift to share with others and to help her get out of that ego. So that is that what you said that beautifully. So I love that. And the last one is and you may think this is like, well, what does this have to do with my image?

[00:29:45] Linda Yates: But that is to your recreation or your fun. Your fun is really important because if you're having fun, then you're relaxing and you're, you're becoming you talked about we [00:30:00] have to be authentic and we have to do that. If we are tapped into what is fun for us, we're then also feeding that personal brand of what our passion is.

[00:30:09] Linda Yates: So something that makes us laugh and when we laugh, And we hear ourselves laugh, people that are around us are like, Oh, there's this joy that comes through. But again, when I laugh, that then impacts my image and makes me feel even happier. So finding those ways that, that bring that are recreational, I'm I mentioned that we are celebrating our 40th anniversary while we're going, we're going out of the country.

[00:30:38] Linda Yates: And I had to, I have to admit, it was like, Yeah. Yeah. Well, my husband and I were talking about this. I was asked to be the emcee of a a large conference here in our state for HR folks. And I'm like, Oh, well, and I'm also back in college. And I'm like, I'm just not sure that I'm going to have time to, to, to celebrate our anniversary.

[00:30:58] Linda Yates: And he just kind of looked at me and I'm like, [00:31:00] okay, I guess I'm going to make time. Celebrate our anniversary and and put this thing first and I can't tell you I'm like so excited to have this Time to step away and have this fun and I know What I know the benefits of That it's going to do for me and that FOMO, is a real thing, but guess what?

[00:31:24] Linda Yates: If I can just close down, I'm going to show up for everybody else and especially myself in a better, stronger, more confident way. Mmm.

[00:31:35] Loree Philip: I love so much that you brought in fun and joy into this conversation. It's like the first thing that falls off. The list, when we get super focused on this idea of being successful, this idea of moving forward in growth and for some reason, the fun falls right off the list.

[00:31:57] Loree Philip: And, but I, I want people to [00:32:00] hear what Linda is saying and also think of people that that you can tell they're enjoying themselves. They're having fun. And the power in how they show up and who's ready to work with them, who's ready to buy into their vision, who's ready to support them and anything that they need because they're bringing this really beautiful energy forward.

[00:32:27] Loree Philip: And, and we can all tap into that for ourselves in, in our image and how we show up. And you're right. I wouldn't have initially thought About this as part of image.

[00:32:39] Linda Yates: In

[00:32:40] Loree Philip: fact, I was going back to your first conversation about, I'm not including clothes. And so it's, it's like all of these very, very important, but intangible things that we need to consider.

[00:32:56] Loree Philip: And. We all like to have fun, so why not? Why [00:33:00] not?

[00:33:02] Linda Yates: Yep, so true.

[00:33:03] Loree Philip: Oh, that's so amazing, Linda. Well, before we wrap up today, are there, is there anything else that you'd like to bring forward in this conversation that we might have missed in talking about personal image, especially for women trying to navigate their careers?

[00:33:19] Loree Philip: And do it in a more purposeful way.

[00:33:21] Linda Yates: I, we didn't talk about clothes, but there is one aspect that I would just like to bring up, and that is the energy of color. And when you understand what color brings out what energies in you, then that is a, that is a, a way to. To show up and feel more confident and to lift and to energize.

[00:33:49] Linda Yates: And that's, I mean, that's, that's my moniker is the image energizer. And I, so that that's maybe kind of a parting thought and. Two, it's [00:34:00] okay to go through periods of where, you know what, I just not feeling like myself and that's okay. There are going to be days, there's going to be things that hit I mentioned the passing of my mother, that's one losing a job life happens.

[00:34:16] Linda Yates: Crime happens by being a catastrophe, right? You get hit by a hurricane, you have a tornado, whatever the case may be, stuff happens. You have a health issue and it's okay. You just do the best you can and forget the rest. And that is, that is really kind of my, My hope and my goal is that I've communicated that.

[00:34:42] Linda Yates: I also want people to know that they have strengths that they haven't even uncovered yet, possibilities that they can realize for themselves so that they can accomplish not just their goals, but their dreams. And again, I mentioned that I'm extremely, faith is very, [00:35:00] very important to me, and I truly believe that with God, nothing is impossible.

[00:35:04] Linda Yates: And, and I've seen that time and time in my own life and in my, the folks that I've had the blessing and honor to have worked with.

[00:35:11] Loree Philip: Hmm. Well, we're going to end on that beautiful note, Linda. I really appreciate you. If you could share with the audience where they could connect with you, learn more about you and your work.

[00:35:22] Linda Yates: You bet. You can go to my website, which is Linda with an I, H isn't happy, Yates. And that's. Y A T E S dot com. Linda H. Yates dot com or my LinkedIn. Find me at Linda H. Yates on LinkedIn. Instagram is L H Yates coach. So that's, that's where I hang out. I also do a motivation Monday on Facebook and it's typically every Monday and I just share a little thought with regard to motivation.

[00:35:52] Linda Yates: So if you want to check that out too.

[00:35:54] Loree Philip: Great. Well, thank you again. What a beautiful conversation. I really [00:36:00] love this perspective and diving in deep into some of these aspects of personal image. I wish you all the best on your anniversary. I hope you have the best time and reach back out and let us know how it went.

[00:36:11] Linda Yates: Well, thank you. It's been an honor to spend some time with you and thank you for the awesome, awesome questions. And I love what you're doing with the daring to leap.

[00:36:21] Loree Philip: Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe. If you're already a subscriber, don't forget to share the podcast with a friend. Make sure to tune in next week. We will be speaking with Rosie Zalinkas about the three ways we sabotage our career and what we can do instead. I hope you have an amazing week. It's your time to shine. Bye.

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