#4 – Ready to Soar? Inspiration to Embrace Your Unique & Authentic Self in Your Career | Empowerment & Career Advice

This week on Daring to Leap, I drew inspiration from hummingbirds to give us the courage to bring our authentic selves to our work. Hummingbirds are unique to all bird species. They are the smallest. They fly differently. They migrate alone. Like us, they shine when they embrace their unique capabilities. Sometimes we fall into …

#4 – Ready to Soar? Inspiration to Embrace Your Unique & Authentic Self in Your Career | Empowerment & Career Advice Read More »

This week on Daring to Leap, I drew inspiration from hummingbirds to give us the courage to bring our authentic selves to our work.

Hummingbirds are unique to all bird species. They are the smallest. They fly differently. They migrate alone. Like us, they shine when they embrace their unique capabilities.

Sometimes we fall into the trap of trying to fit the mold that we think is required to be successful. It is a trap because we may be good at fitting into the mold but not only will it be hard to stand out, it will be very hard to be great.

In this episode, I challenge you to embrace your natural gifts, strengths, and unique perspective. If you can bring that forward in your career, you will stand out with much more ease and brilliance.

By tuning into this episode, you will:

  • Learn how to recognize and harness your unique strengths.
  • Gain insights into why conformity might hinder your success in the workplace.
  • Discover practical exercises and career advice to understand your strengths and feel empowered to confidently embrace your individuality and authentic self.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover your unique brilliance and feel empowered to bring it to your career. Hit play now to learn how to soar in your career!

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Loree Philip:

Hi, and welcome to the Daring to Leap podcast. I'm your host, Loree Philip. I'm so excited to dive into this week's episode with you. So, in this week's episode, we're going to be talking about hummingbirds. 

Loree Philip:

Yes, hummingbirds. By the end of this episode, you will be inspired by Hummingbirds to leverage your unique brilliance to really stand out in your career. So let's get started. So, I was thinking about hummingbirds and was inspired to record this episode a couple of weeks ago on my walk. 

Loree Philip:

And I do this daily walk where I have a three-mile path around my neighborhood. And every day that I go, I see anywhere from zero hummingbirds to six. But most of the time, it's about one to three. And I've been just fascinated by them and have this connection with hummingbirds. 

Loree Philip:

And I was thinking about, what do they have to teach us? Why am I so fascinated with this tiny bird? And so I wanted to share with you what came to mind on my walk that day and what we can really learn from them. 

Loree Philip:

There's so much we can learn from all parts of our lives, including nature, and so I just wanted to use them as an example for you. So what do hummingbirds have to teach us about brilliance and ourselves? 

Loree Philip:

You see, hummingbirds are a very unique bird. They are the smallest of all the bird species. They fly differently than all the other birds. They fly forward, backward, and can even hover for a period of time. 

Loree Philip:

They are super fast. Can beat their wings over 50 times per second, and can fly anywhere from 35 to 60 mph, depending on if they're in flight or diving down. So you think about this unique bird that can do all these amazing things. 

Loree Philip:

Can you imagine if a hummingbird tried to be like all the other birds? There are over 10,000 plus species of birds that all fly differently than a hummingbird. They have graceful, slowing flapping of their wings, they can glide, they roam around in flocks.

Loree Philip:

If hummingbirds tried to be like all the other birds, they would be terrible at it. It just wouldn't work. But in embracing what they do naturally, what they're great at, they can do things that all the other birds cannot do. 

Loree Philip:

And this is really interesting because even though the hummingbird would make a terrible regular bird, they're so amazing at what they can do. And when thinking about in the workplace, how do we relate this information to the workplace in our careers? 

Loree Philip:

Sometimes our tendency is to try to conform, to fit into the culture and do things, see things and approach things like everyone else. And to some extent, it's beneficial to fit into our culture at work, to kind of see what's working, what's not working, try it out. 

Loree Philip:

But taking this approach, it is unlikely you will shine and stand out. You would just be one of the crowd doing everything like everybody else is doing. And probably not that well, if it's not your natural inclination to do it that way. 

Loree Philip:

So not only would your career benefit from you bringing your unique talents forward into your work, your employer and your team would benefit from it too. There's been a lot of discussion around diversity and how important it is in the workplace. 

Loree Philip:

Bringing that diversity of thought, experience, diversity of talents and perspectives into the conversation, into problem solving, into creativity, does make a big positive difference in the workplace.

Loree Philip:

There are so many benefits for it. But we have to be willing to bring that uniqueness forward and not hide it, but embrace it. And I know this can be hard because I've been in meetings and conversations that you don't want to kind of stick out or say something that's completely different than what everybody else is saying.

Loree Philip:

But when you start to have that confidence, to start bringing these ideas, these different perspectives forward, everybody wins. So I'd like to consider for yourself what are your strengths? What do you do effortlessly that's is more difficult for others? 

Loree Philip:

What are you passionate about? You pull all these things together and you focus your efforts on them. Your brilliance will come out. And just like the hummingbird can make hovering look effortless, you will find that as you embrace your unique strengths and brilliance,

Loree Philip:

you too will do some amazing things and make it look effortless. So give it some thought. And if you're not sure about what your strengths are, if you haven't really considered this before, you can start to pay attention to you, your work, your tasks, how things are going, what you're doing and what's going well. 

Loree Philip:

Also notice what you hesitate on putting out there and holding back. What are you holding back? Another good exercise for you to explore this a bit more would be to ask some trusted colleagues who can give you some feedback what are your strengths.

Loree Philip:

What do you do really, really well? Get their perspective. I actually went through an exercise recommended by a coach to do this, and I got some really good feedback. Some things I hadn't considered for myself. 

Loree Philip:

But once they said it, it made it a little easier for me to embrace it. Because sometimes we hold back on saying we're great at something or we're better at this than other people. But when you get that validation from trusted colleagues and mentors, it can really help. 

Loree Philip:

And as you start to bring this into your work, you will start to see your brilliance shining through. And those strengths, those differences, is what is going to make you stand out. It will be easier to be your brilliant self than to try to be like everybody else. 

Loree Philip:

And it will make a difference. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe, leave a review and share it with a friend. Until next week. 

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