#37 – Career Advancement Strategies: How to Breakthrough to the Next Level in your Career | Empowerment & Career Advice

What is holding you back from getting to that next level in your career? Well, you know that saying “what got you here won’t get you there”. This week we are diving in on what will get us there – to that next level – by learning the top career advancement strategies with former Tech …

#37 – Career Advancement Strategies: How to Breakthrough to the Next Level in your Career | Empowerment & Career Advice Read More »

What is holding you back from getting to that next level in your career?

Well, you know that saying “what got you here won’t get you there”. This week we are diving in on what will get us there – to that next level – by learning the top career advancement strategies with former Tech Executive Jaime Chambron.

Jaime Chambron is the CEO and Career Coach of Career Agility Systems. Jaime has over 20 years of experience building, growing, and transforming teams within 10+ tech organizations and launching 3 businesses.

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, this episode is a must-listen!


[00:01:30] Navigated tech roles, now coaching career advancement.

[00:05:50] Reflect, learn, adapt to progress in career.

[00:07:25] Impostor Syndrome, executive presence, building relationships

[00:13:20] Set networking goals: attend events, reconnect, connect.

[00:17:01] Set boundaries and manage time effectively.

[00:19:56] Remember role and support, ask, better support, build peer relationships, go above and beyond.

[00:23:36] Seek new opportunities when learning stagnates.

[00:26:40] External feedback crucial to exploring new opportunities.

[00:29:37] Appreciate perspective, options, connect with Jamie.

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[00:00:00] Loree Philip: Hi, and welcome to the daring to leap podcast. I'm your host, Loree Philip. I'm so excited to dive into this week's episode with you. What is holding you back from getting to that next level in your career? Well, you know, that saying what got you here won't get you there this week. We're diving in on what will get us there to that next level.

[00:00:22] Loree Philip: By learning the top career advancement strategies with former tech executive and chief career coach, Jamie Chambron so that you can get practical steps to get unstuck and break through to the next level of your career. Let's dive in.

[00:00:40] Loree Philip: Jamie Chambron is the founder and career coach of career agility system. She has over 20 years of experience building, growing, and transforming teams within 10.

[00:00:52] Loree Philip: Plus tech organizations and launching three businesses. She launched career agility system to leverage what she has learned, [00:01:00] help women in tech, accelerate getting unstuck and doing the work they love, get paid what they are worth and have time to enjoy life. Welcome to the podcast, Jamie. Great.

[00:01:13] Jaime Chambron: Laurie, thanks for having me today.

[00:01:15] Loree Philip: Absolutely. I'm so glad you're here. And what I'd really like to start for our conversation is I know you have a very robust career prior to what you're doing now. Can you take us a bit into your career journey and how that what made you decide to shift?

[00:01:31] Jaime Chambron: Yeah, yeah. So I started my career as an individual contributor programmer.

[00:01:38] Jaime Chambron: I knew programming wasn't my end destination. I'd always seen sites on management, leadership, building teams, growing talent. I was just always interested in managing a business, managing something that would be a value and make an impact. And so since I was In tech, I really just navigated my [00:02:00] way through different roles and responsibilities, pivoting into project management and pivoting into managing teams and either product management or professional services, and that continued to grow as the industry grew and moved into more VP senior level executive roles in leading and transforming business service lines of business and businesses within the businesses in tech.

[00:02:24] Jaime Chambron: And as I was Going through the different places I've been and thinking about what's my the next career. Cause I thought at some point I'd want to retire early, but not completely retire, but do something different. And I started to explore coaching and what that would be like. And I did some things on the side while in the last few years of being a leader in different technical organizations.

[00:02:48] Jaime Chambron: And then finally just put enough money aside and said it was time to go launch and focus 100 percent on my, my passion of helping other people advance their careers.

[00:02:59] Loree Philip: [00:03:00] That's great. Have you always been entrepreneurial or was this kind of a Stretch for you. And you decided to go ahead and leave behind a 20 year plus career.

[00:03:11] Jaime Chambron: I considered myself for a long time, an intrapreneur. So an entrepreneur within companies because I'd always come in and be the person launching new lines of business, building new services, innovating on what we can do, what else we can do for clients. And I also, along the way, Either had some, I was involved in a media startup that I was one of the co founders of, I helped start a nonprofit.

[00:03:37] Jaime Chambron: So I always had the itch to start things, but I think early in my career, I needed to stabilize be in a stable environment, get to a point where I was financially free, if you will, to then go focus on something that would provide me the income I needed to continue to live the lifestyle that I live today.

[00:03:56] Loree Philip: So you ended up picking this business career [00:04:00] agility systems in, in the sort of coaching and growth and space. What, what was it about that, that you decided that's what you were going to focus on? Yeah.

[00:04:14] Jaime Chambron: So back to I loved in and why some of the things I've didn't done in my career was has been about helping other people kind of move forward in their careers in particular, helping identify other girls early on in stem to women growing and empowering them to be stronger leaders and tech is I always wanted to see more diversity and In the tech arena.

[00:04:40] Jaime Chambron: And so while today I do coaching and development of a lot of different individuals, my real passion is wanting to see more women grow into the C suite of technology organizations. And so I'm part of what I wanted to do originally was coaching, but I've organically evolved the business based on.[00:05:00]

[00:05:00] Jaime Chambron: What I see the needs and opportunities are for individuals. So I've also become a personal branding expert. So it's not just coaching, but I'm developing. And optimizing LinkedIn profiles and resumes and bios and board kind of positioning. So there's all kinds of things I'm doing now that's beyond just the coaching to help make breakthroughs for my clients, but really helping them figure out what value they provide, what's going to differentiate them as they continue on their career paths.

[00:05:31] Jaime Chambron: Yeah,

[00:05:33] Loree Philip: and you mentioned the word breakthrough, and that's really what I want to talk to you a bit about in more depth because I think a lot of us who have been in careers in corporate or in, in a business for a long period of time have experienced this idea of kind of moving up to a point, and I say up, but it's just growth expanding [00:06:00] learning, and then getting to that point where you're kind of just stuck a little bit.

[00:06:08] Loree Philip: Is that where you've seen your clients? Typically be at when they come to you and tell me a bit

[00:06:15] Jaime Chambron: about that. Yeah, absolutely. I get a number of individuals who have progressed at one company, but now they're a decade in and go, am I going to be here a decade later? Or what do I need to do? To not just pivot laterally into another organization being a lot of them are like trying to figure out I hit the ceiling.

[00:06:34] Jaime Chambron: How do I really get to director to VP? How do I get to the next place? And I always go back to and there's a great book on what got you here won't get you there. And so it's needing to take a step back and reflect on all the great things you've done to get into the position you're at. You have to understand and look at your boss and others around you who are at where you want to be to go.

[00:06:57] Jaime Chambron: What are they doing that you haven't done or [00:07:00] haven't demonstrated that you can do and to go find those opportunities to demonstrate those skills or learn that knowledge that you need to, to. Get to that next place. You've got to do things differently. You've got to do different things to be able to get to that next place in your career, be it a move up, move into another organization or moving to different functions or different interests and to pursue those.

[00:07:25] Jaime Chambron: Yeah.

[00:07:26] Loree Philip: Are there some common themes that you see with your clients of these are the areas that if you think about from the, what got you here, won't get you there, the get you there part, is there, are there quite a few common strategies or themes that come through that your clients haven't even realized?

[00:07:47] Loree Philip: Oh yeah, you're right. I haven't thought about that. That hasn't been a focus of mine. What are, what are some of those? So

[00:07:53] Jaime Chambron: first thing that comes to mind is a number of my clients, especially women have imposter syndrome. So they actually have done [00:08:00] a lot of the great things that get you there, but they haven't really articulated it in a way to position them for that next rung, that next place.

[00:08:08] Jaime Chambron: And so And they hesitate to toot their own horn, even though when it's someone else from from that doesn't know them begins to go you've done all this great stuff. It's just, you have this imposter syndrome of I'm not really that good, but you are. So that's one piece I see.

[00:08:24] Jaime Chambron: There's a lot I see around executive presence. Communicating at that next level being able to communicate to the C suite, being in conversations with the C suite, getting into those conversations. Also, a lot of times, depending on the organization, is needing to find sponsors and champions of yours who will advocate for you.

[00:08:49] Jaime Chambron: For another role. Like some companies do have formal sponsorship programs, but you need others within your organization, including your current leader that sees the great things you do and are [00:09:00] capable of doing to be able to be promoted from within. And you've got to build those relationships.

[00:09:05] Jaime Chambron: And I think that's the other pieces. You've got to be continuously focused on https: otter. ai Talking to people about what you do and you may have to back to the imposter syndrome is always thinking about is what your brand is today because your brand back to where you got to where you were. You've done different things now.

[00:09:29] Jaime Chambron: You've made great successes. You've got a lot of more stripes on you. So what's your brand now that's going to take you forward into where you want to go next in your career. It's about leaning into what you want to do next.

[00:09:42] Loree Philip: That's so interesting about the imposter syndrome piece. It, it, it comes up so, so much. And it's, I just, it, it's just part of, I think, being a human is to move into the next level and not [00:10:00] really, Feel like you're ready, right? It's just I've never done that before. I've done this, but I've really not allowed myself to internalize that what I've done is actually really, really good.

[00:10:13] Loree Philip: Right. And that I deserve the credit for it. So what I'm hearing, Jamie, is that a lot of the strategies include. It's about Hey, I have what it takes, but it's a matter of getting ourselves, others to see that, right? Our best, I'm my own best kept secret kind of thing needs to be positioned and put out there into into the world, whether it's within the business or within the industry or wherever it is that that person might want to go.

[00:10:44] Loree Philip: What are some of the tips that or strategies that you discuss with your clients around imposter syndrome to get past and allow themselves to start seeing the brilliance that they already are?

[00:10:59] Jaime Chambron: [00:11:00] Yeah. So part of some of the work I do. When I begin to dig into what someone has accomplished in their career is just getting them to understand the great results, the outcomes, the value and to get comfortable being able to talk to it.

[00:11:15] Jaime Chambron: So having a talk track around your 32nd elevator pitch and these are the two or three things most recently or over my career I've accomplished because the other thing I try to get. To have my clients understand is usually patterns of success. So they've done certain things over and over again.

[00:11:33] Jaime Chambron: It's well, you're really great at transforming organizations or modernizing brands or, and they just never saw it that way before because they hadn't laid out their career journey and the results outcomes of what they've accomplished. Cause I think a lot of times when we think about what we've done, we think about what we've done.

[00:11:54] Jaime Chambron: Not the end results or impact on building new leaders [00:12:00] or helping a business get to that next level of growth. And you just have to. Take a step back and think about what are those successes and getting comfortable with this is who you are. And this is what you bring to the table and you haven't done it just once.

[00:12:14] Jaime Chambron: Like it's not a one off it's you've done it three or four times. So it's really getting comfortable and seeing those patterns of successes of you shouldn't hesitate to talk about it because you've done this so many times. This is just one of your superpowers. And I help get people comfortable with what is their superpower?

[00:12:30] Jaime Chambron: And it's, there's proof to it.

[00:12:32] Loree Philip: Right. It is, it is helpful to lay that, lay the facts out. Right. It's okay, these are the things that you did. I mean, those are facts. So once they have, start to have those things laid out, they start to craft their personal brand. And what are these things? They're recurrent they're frequently doing successfully their superpowers.

[00:12:57] Loree Philip: You mentioned networking [00:13:00] and, there were some recent articles put out with some studies done by chief the organization chief around the importance of networking for women as they move up in their careers and actually that it's very important and the ones that are doing it are getting a lot of good progress and success moving up quicker than the, the ones that are not.

[00:13:25] Loree Philip: What, when you, when you think about. Networking as a strategy. What are some of the things that, that women can do to intentionally network? Cause I think it's one of those things that just falls through the cracks because we're all so busy. Right. What do we need to be doing here?

[00:13:47] Loree Philip: Yeah. So

[00:13:48] Jaime Chambron: I try to get my clients to just start to set some goals for themselves with respect to networking. So it may be. Once a month, getting out [00:14:00] to a professional networking event, be it within your industry, within your function. That's 1 thing is just like to make it a goal that once a month, maybe it's a networking lunch or a speaking engagement, or it's a virtual event to there's still a lot of virtual events going on is Make it a priority to do networking.

[00:14:20] Jaime Chambron: Getting out there. Another one is just reconnecting with your current network. So make it a point to do outreach maybe once a week to try and reconnect over zoom or over a live coffee or a lunch to especially key people in your network that could help you in. Introducing you to a new role or moving you forward in your career or just giving you some great feedback on what's, what's next what you're looking for or helping you connect with other people.

[00:14:50] Jaime Chambron: So finding those connectors in your network who could connect you with others. I think we just have to make it a goal in our either weekly or monthly [00:15:00] priorities that we've got to get out there and build new relationships. And it's not just the. Getting out there, but maybe it's setting your sights up.

[00:15:07] Jaime Chambron: Okay, I'm going to go to a networking event and I want to meet five new people. So you just got to be really intentional on you can't just show up to a networking event either because you may get nothing out of it, but it's going and being open to introducing yourself, walking up to people, talking to new people, and just being open to new people.

[00:15:24] Jaime Chambron: Bye. And just being really, and it can be uncomfortable for a lot of people because we're really selling ourselves at that point, but getting comfortable, getting out there and initially it's really more about listening to the other person anyway. It's getting to know who they are, coming with questions you can ask them, because then they'll be more interested in sharing their background and wanting to build a Mm hmm.

[00:15:47] Jaime Chambron: Mm hmm.

[00:15:48] Loree Philip: Yeah, I'm exhausted hearing about it. It's not one of my strengths is to Put myself out there go to these types of events, but I understand the value [00:16:00] of it and I like to think of it too. Is it like if you honestly really do want to create genuine? relationships With more people is what you're trying to do, because if you just go and meet five people and it's just surface level and you don't follow up and you don't actually build a relationship, it's, it's not going to be worth your time.

[00:16:22] Jaime Chambron: And that's why I like to recommend for people who aren't ready to fully get out there and. Cole, basically cold call people, right? That's what you're doing. You're selling yourself. You're trying to find new relationships. Go to your warm network, and keep the, keep the right relationships going and reconnect with them because that's gonna.

[00:16:42] Loree Philip: Yeah, that's probably where I would start with those strategies, Jamie. So one of the things that I noticed when I, I brought up in your, in your bio earlier is one of the things that That was in there that you want [00:17:00] these women to have time to enjoy life and you're working with women who are looking to Break through move to the next level.

[00:17:10] Loree Philip: How do we balance? Doing that and also have the time to enjoy our life And maybe I don't know balance is probably not the best word because it's used a lot. But what what is typically The focus there to be able to do that Yeah,

[00:17:28] Jaime Chambron: so I think part of it is really understanding what you're What you are, aren't going to sacrifice as you go into that next level.

[00:17:38] Jaime Chambron: And what are you willing to do to be in that next role? And it might be short term sacrifices just to ramp up, gain more knowledge, gain more information, get that reestablish new networks or relationships. But it's really thinking about not only as you get into that next level or next place, new opportunity.[00:18:00]

[00:18:00] Jaime Chambron: Set boundaries, right? So I think a lot of us have a hard time setting boundaries on, I am in the office, be it physically or remote from just nine to five or better. I think the other thing too, is better time management. So knowing that you don't need to respond to every email as they come in or even every phone call, it's you're going to block time to do your focus, deep work, get things done and make sure distractions like social media, email.

[00:18:29] Jaime Chambron: Water cooler top aren't distracting you so you can really maximize your work day and be able to come home and not bring work with you be it at night or on the weekend. So I think we just got to get better more intentional of what are those boundaries? What are your you're working? Yeah. Your teams, your peers should know how you work so that they understand you may only have meetings in the morning or you're going to do all your deep work in the morning and just schedule team meetings, coffees, one on ones in the afternoon so that you can [00:19:00] get through the day and not have to take anything home with you.

[00:19:03] Loree Philip: Yeah, it's I like how you started with what you're willing to. Give and what you're not. So around priorities is so, so, so, so important as a good starting point. And especially being intentional about it. And, and that's usually where I feel like we, we fall off is that we believe we have this wanting to only say not bring my work home, but until you decide.

[00:19:37] Loree Philip: And say, okay, this is my boundary and, and this is how I'm going to accomplish that. And that may probably not every day but on the whole, on the average as a goal and expectation in order to make that happen, we have to look at it eyes wide open and decide.

[00:19:55] Loree Philip: Absolutely. So we, we talked about [00:20:00] communication of our superpowers and figuring that out. We talked about personal branding a little bit. We talked about networking. We talked about a little bit around like. Boundaries. What are we missing here, Damie? What are some of the other really important nuggets that you're thinking about?

[00:20:21] Loree Philip: Yeah. So as I

[00:20:22] Jaime Chambron: worked with a number of clients over the years another thing I remind individuals, which helps them make a breakthrough is. Remembering what their role is and who they are supporting and serving. So one of the things I have my clients ask their bosses is what can I do for you or what can I do differently?

[00:20:47] Jaime Chambron: So I think we get so used to. Managing the team and focusing on your individual priorities of what your boss delegated to you, but to flip the conversation and go, how can I better support you? And the [00:21:00] team sometimes sometimes things we don't ask to feel more connected and aligned to what. Your leader is trying to accomplish because at the end of the day, you're there to help your leader accomplish their goals, not accomplish your goals per se.

[00:21:15] Jaime Chambron: Another thing to you, and I was told this early on in my career of your team. Isn't your direct reports. Your team is your peers. So it's critical to build that relationship with your peers helping and back to supporting your boss and what their goals are. You're also there to jointly support his his or her goals.

[00:21:35] Jaime Chambron: You're joining to support each other's goals to you. That's why you're on a team together. So getting to realize you work as a team. You're, But it's as a peer team, and then those, if you're leading others, people under you need to learn that that their peers are their team, and they got to work together to make progress for, the organization. So those are just some other things I've seen. And [00:22:00] I've relayed to first time managers, people trying to get into the C suite is like little things like that, that we forget about why we're there. What's the purpose we're serving? And then the other thing too, is how can you go?

[00:22:15] Jaime Chambron: Above and beyond. So I think a lot of times we come in and we're doing our job and I also think we get into the habit of that's not my job. You hear like people putting down boundaries. And sometimes that puts people aside that they don't want to come to you if they have need help or additional expertise in something.

[00:22:34] Jaime Chambron: But from where you sit and what you do, what can you do to go that extra mile? What else can you do? To demonstrate you're valuable to the team you can do more than what you've been given I think for people looking to advance they've got to be thinking about what else can I do? That demonstrates I am at that level.

[00:22:55] Jaime Chambron: Am I doing strategy work? Am I helping? My leader is my [00:23:00] leader giving me things that's going to demonstrate executive communications stronger team building talent development, hiring the right people. So I think that's a lot of it too, is really thinking about what beyond your job duties, what else can you do to demonstrate?

[00:23:20] Jaime Chambron: You're at that next level and to continuously look to go above and beyond, go that extra mile that your peers and others may not be doing

[00:23:28] Loree Philip: to stand out for. I'm just curious when we think about career breakthroughs and having been in a position or an area for a while in your experience working with some of these women, Is it often that they can work their way up where they're at?

[00:23:49] Loree Philip: There's a lot of the strategy also, Hey, you might have to go to another company in the same industry or look [00:24:00] outside of your organization to be able to make that breakthrough.

[00:24:03] Jaime Chambron: I have a lot of those conversations. Cause a number of individuals, I mean, I, myself included, you have to realize or recognize when.

[00:24:12] Jaime Chambron: The learning curve has stopped. And if you're in a place where there's no new leader or no new responsibilities or no new opportunities that you're interested in, and you feel like your learning curve is starting to lessen, that's the points when you go, you need to start looking externally, and then also when you feel more confident in having some external opportunities or possibilities to go back internally to go, Hey, I've been doing this for a while.

[00:24:40] Jaime Chambron: What do I need to do? Cause this is, this is part of that breakthrough is what do I need to do to get to that next level? Or are there any opportunities that I can take on to help me get to that next level? Maybe there's a strategic project coming up merger and acquisition to get involved in some something, but you've got to also be having some conversations with your current boss as well to [00:25:00] go Hey, I'm here.

[00:25:01] Jaime Chambron: I'm wanting to get there. Give me feedback. Tell me what I need to do. And will there be opportunities? Because that's going to help you decide. Are they really able to go all in on me and get there next? Or do I really need to put more energy into looking externally, reconnecting with my network to find ways to do more?

[00:25:22] Jaime Chambron: Because I'm ready for that next learning curve.

[00:25:24] Loree Philip: Yeah, it makes sense. I think, it, it can be easy just to get caught up in trying where you're at and things, there's a lot of timing involved, right? Positions don't open up always at the right time or the time that you would like it to. And so it's a matter of, I guess are you willing to wait?

[00:25:47] Loree Philip: Are you willing to, to do something else at that point and, and explore those other opportunities?

[00:25:55] Jaime Chambron: But I think you've got to be continuously looking at this is where I [00:26:00] think people get stagnant and don't move forward or go somewhere else is they're not continuously reflecting on, am I still learning and growing and because then they all of a sudden get to a point where, oh, I've got nowhere else to go because I didn't take care of myself, positioning, having conversations, like they start seeing other colleagues and peers getting promoted or moving into other areas of responsibility because they've never had that conversation with their boss before.

[00:26:27] Loree Philip: So at that point, they, they have a lot of experience and kind of one area and they're not broadening that and looking for opportunities

[00:26:36] Jaime Chambron: to do that. Right. Then their brand is used to, this is the one thing you do, right? You become kind of that one trick pony. 'cause that's all anyone knows you've done and are great at.

[00:26:45] Jaime Chambron: And you keep getting opportunities to just do that one thing. Hmm.

[00:26:50] Loree Philip: So is the, if that's you, if that's me and I've been doing this one thing and I've realized this, now I'm kind of stuck in this box. [00:27:00] What's my, my next move is once I realize that, hey, I don't wanna be stuck in this box anymore.

[00:27:06] Jaime Chambron: So I think it's beginning to look externally.

[00:27:11] Jaime Chambron: Maybe it's not your current boss. Maybe there's former bosses you've had or close colleagues and friends to start talking about, Hey, I think I'm ready to look at what's next that I've been stuck. You can always hire a professional, but I think first and foremost is just looking at the resources you already have around you, be it colleagues, friends doing searches on the internet just to kind of see what's.

[00:27:35] Jaime Chambron: Of interest to you back to that, getting out there and networking and talking to people, you might uncover an opportunity. That sounds interesting. You might be also starting to look at am I missing something educationally? And do I not have an MBA? And maybe I need the MBA or do I not have some certain skill set that I really need to go get certified in?

[00:27:56] Jaime Chambron: That's going to help me get to that next level. But you've got to start getting feedback and talking to [00:28:00] people. And if you're not comfortable doing it, In where you're at today, then it's going to the people that that you respect, be it mentors, be it former leaders you've worked with to get some of that feedback and conversation going.

[00:28:13] Jaime Chambron: And also to see are there anyone that's where you want to be next and ask them, how did they get there? What did you do? How did you get from where we were back a few years ago to doing this today? Go see what success looks like and go try to replicate it. Mm hmm.

[00:28:32] Loree Philip: Yeah, that's a great point.

[00:28:34] Loree Philip: There's typically a person that's already done it and there's no need to reinvent the wheel. That's for sure. I think we're going to start to wrap this up, Jamie. I would love to hear any last closing thoughts you have on this topic for our listeners out there that are working through their careers at various stages.

[00:28:54] Loree Philip: Yeah,

[00:28:55] Jaime Chambron: I mean, I think the biggest thing is don't ever think you're [00:29:00] completely boxed in. You've got to be willing to take some time and back to that time management, make some time for you. And usually I like to recommend it's first thing in the morning or lunchtime, figure out a time to do some self reflection.

[00:29:13] Jaime Chambron: To put those goals out there. Like I'm gonna go talk to a former mentor of mine just to kind of bounce some ideas off of them. But you've gotta start to be intentional on if you're getting to that place of feeling stuck, to do some things to break free by talking to people, by doing some research, by looking at the what else is out there, the possibilities.

[00:29:37] Jaime Chambron: There's always ways to pivot, be it. In your industry, be it into different industries. There's so many things out there. There's the gig economy now, so you can go be a freelancer if you want, if you want true more control of what you do when and with who, those are the kinds of things to be thinking about that.

[00:29:56] Jaime Chambron: There are options out there. It's just trying to [00:30:00] start to take those incremental steps to get you unstuck from where you are today.

[00:30:04] Loree Philip: Now, I really appreciate that perspective because we, reality is we are never boxed in, but sometimes it feels that way. So it's always nice to hear, you know what, I can look at options.

[00:30:18] Loree Philip: There are always options. I, I think that's so true. Jamie, where can we connect with you, find out more about your work? Yeah. So

[00:30:29] Jaime Chambron: The best way is to connect with me on LinkedIn. So you can just look me up by my last name, or you can check me out at my website, career agility system. com.

[00:30:40] Loree Philip: Okay, great. Well, I really appreciate you coming on the show and sharing all your wisdom with us.

[00:30:46] Loree Philip: Thank you so much. You got

[00:30:48] Jaime Chambron: it. Thanks for having me today, Loree. I appreciate it.

[00:30:50] Loree Philip: Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe. If you're already a subscriber, don't [00:31:00] forget to share the podcast with a friend. Hope you all have an amazing week. Until next time. Bye.

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