#84 – How to Harness the Power of Intuition To Navigate Challenges & Live on Purpose | Empowerment & Career Advice

Have you ever wondered how to harness the power of your intuition to navigate life’s challenges and live with a deeper sense of purpose? What if tuning into your inner wisdom could unlock transformative insights and lead to a more fulfilling life? In the latest episode of Daring to Leap, Aline Hanle, an internationally acclaimed …

#84 – How to Harness the Power of Intuition To Navigate Challenges & Live on Purpose | Empowerment & Career Advice Read More »

Have you ever wondered how to harness the power of your intuition to navigate life’s challenges and live with a deeper sense of purpose? What if tuning into your inner wisdom could unlock transformative insights and lead to a more fulfilling life?

In the latest episode of Daring to Leap, Aline Hanle, an internationally acclaimed expert in intuitive strategy, joins host Loree Philip to explore how cultivating intuitive practices can help you overcome obstacles and live more authentically.

This episode reveals the secrets behind intuitive strategy and provides practical tips for leveraging your intrinsic wisdom to navigate life’s complexities and enhance your overall well-being.

By listening to this episode, you’ll:

  • Discover how intuitive strategy can guide you to uncover answers within yourself, fostering self-awareness and personal growth.
  • Learn to create small moments of reflection in your daily life, allowing you to gain clarity and detach from reactive patterns.
  • Understand the principle “as above, so below,” and how your inner experiences influence your outer reality.
  • Find practical advice on listening to your emotions and observing them without attachment, fostering deeper self-understanding.
  • Recognize the power of holding space for others’ greatness, enhancing collective consciousness and mutual growth.

By the end of this episode, you’ll feel equipped to embrace your intuition and navigate challenges with confidence, leading to a more purposeful and empowered life. So why wait? Hit play and start transforming your journey with the power of intuition today!

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[00:00:00] Loree Philip: Hi, and welcome to Daring to Leap. I'm your host, Loriee Philip. Have you ever wondered how to tap into your inner wisdom for guidance? Join us as our special guest, Aline Hanle, uncovers the secrets of intuitive strategy and shares how you can harness the power of your intuition to live a purposeful and empowered life.

[00:00:24] Loree Philip: Let's dive in.

[00:00:25] Loree Philip: Aline is an international expert in the field of intuitive strategy and has been designing tools, processes, and experiences for over 15 years. She has been captivating audiences with the transformational insights and actionable strategies with a proven track record of guiding individuals and organizations toward soulful living.

[00:00:48] Loree Philip: Aline is a sought after speaker, knowing, known for blending intuition, mindfulness, and strategic thinking to drive success. Welcome to

[00:00:58] Aline Hanle: the show, Aline. [00:01:00] Well, thank you so much, Laurie, for having me and thank you for the audience to listen and spend some time on themselves today. So it's a real pleasure to be here.

[00:01:10] Loree Philip: Yes, yes. I'm, I'm actually, I'm really excited about our conversation today. I know we're going to be talking about intuitive strategy. And as I mentioned early in our conversations, those are two things that I love, intuition and strategy. It's like, let's just blend the two and see the magic. And so I can't wait to hear more about that and how we can live systematically on purpose.

[00:01:34] Loree Philip: But first I'd like to talk to you a bit about your career journey and understand what were you doing? what was your career before you decided to jump into entrepreneurship and focus all of your time and attention on supporting others Yes. Well, the

[00:01:53] Aline Hanle: journey, started, I was a personal trainer for 17 years when I, and I, that's what I [00:02:00] was doing when I moved from France to the States in early 2000.

[00:02:04] Aline Hanle: And, although I had been awakening already years before back in France, and what I realized is while I was still taking care of the physical body and helping clients with. Weight loss. It was my my, my expertise. I understood that the major component on the physical capacity, the capacity for shaping our physical reality, whether it is our body or manifesting a life.

[00:02:36] Aline Hanle: It is coming from something that was, that was really way beyond just the physicality and knowing how to eat and how to train. It was really, Emerging as a holistic experience with the mind, the soul the heart, the emotional aspect, beyond the physical body. And so, when I arrived in the States, I continued being a personal trainer [00:03:00] for another three years which led to writing a book on that's called Beyond Fitness.

[00:03:07] Aline Hanle: And that was, that is really sharing the weight loss, but the energetic. Outlook on weight loss and weight management. And so really the idea of what's beyond the need to. The need to manage the physical body because there seems to be an out of control experience, right? And then that led me to realize that I was really way more connected to talking about this and supporting that aspect than just purely using just the physical aspect.

[00:03:37] Aline Hanle: And so it moved me to starting to create programs and researches in, in the, the soul aspect. Like the energetic aspect, and really the coaching from that sort of state really bubbled up, so to speak. And then for the past 18 years, it has been a a journey of entrepreneurship of soulful leadership [00:04:00] to really leave from this place myself so that I can continue.

[00:04:05] Aline Hanle: Transform my life from where at some point I was just not necessarily knowing myself and managing myself well to the place where I stand today, where all dimensions of my life are aligning in a way that I know myself authentically and, and living in purpose every day. And it shows up in my relationship as a parent, as a wife, as a friend, as a daughter, as a, as a, Colleague as a partner as a as a leader, as an expert.

[00:04:36] Aline Hanle: And that to me was what led me to move away from what I started with, with really diving deeper into what we, what we do to what I just said.

[00:04:48] Loree Philip: Yeah, what a beautiful story. It is so true. And I, I didn't really think about it as much back when I was doing my corporate work, in my prior career.

[00:04:59] Loree Philip: But as [00:05:00] I continue to do the personal development work and speaking with experts and, and going through my own stuff, I definitely am starting to really see how important. The holistic pop nature of things like you can't just focus on energy and not worry about your body or you can't just focus on this and leave out that and it could because it's all interconnected and it's all It's all interconnected and it's all Comes together and it can come together so beautifully when we intend to and focus on it.

[00:05:40] Loree Philip: And so I'd love to hear from your perspective, Aline, what, can you help us define an intuitive strategy? Like we're going to be talking about that topic and I think it'd be great place to kind of get everybody on the same page of what, what is it?

[00:05:59] Aline Hanle: Yes, [00:06:00] so, according to me, intuitive strategies are processes that.

[00:06:06] Aline Hanle: Support. the revelation of the answer from within, which means that when the client comes, when the participant comes, the, the idea is everything is already here. It is not for me to tell them what they perceive is missing. It's for them to learn how to Reconnect with themself and find within themself what is, has always been here.

[00:06:34] Aline Hanle: They just didn't see it clearly. And so the intuitive strategy is very logical. The strategy part for me means that there's a logic that the mind can really use practically to move from one space to the other. It's a strategy. It works every time. Why? Because we're using universal principles. To actually activate these strategies, so it's not just.[00:07:00]

[00:07:00] Aline Hanle: Fluff and hoping for the best. It is literally we're not using the strategies of man made concept that are purely we've learned that as human being because we've experienced that for all these years and then therefore that must be what life is.

[00:07:18] Loree Philip: I'm

[00:07:18] Aline Hanle: working with universal principle so that the paradigms is coming from a much greater space and the strategy is using the laws of the universe that we are within ourself, we are able to apply just like gravity cannot do without it.

[00:07:37] Aline Hanle: Like you were saying, we are interconnected in all of our being. We have a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical space. It's true for everybody. Right? So, therefore, there's got to be something that I can, like, lie myself on to say, okay, this is true, that we have, that we are experiencing ourself in four different experiences, [00:08:00] dimensions.

[00:08:01] Aline Hanle: Therefore, if something is not, Seemingly working well on my physical level, in my physical body, I must be looking back at every single dimension. And so that's logic. That's a strategy. Like, it is viable, everyone can actually apply that. So the strategy part is really, it's logical. It's just not a man made logic.

[00:08:25] Aline Hanle: It's a universal logic. So we have to understand more about the universal principles to start with. The intuitive part is, once again, instead of the answer lies outside of ourselves, and so I arrive and I don't know anything, I reverse this. The intuitive strategy is you already are the beholder of the answers.

[00:08:51] Aline Hanle: that you're seeking. And the, the intuitive part of it is revealing that which is already here, [00:09:00] but hidden from the perception. It's usually not asking, or it's actually asking very essential questions, very great, like much greater deeper questions such as like somebody would come with a problem in their relationship, This is not about the other person.

[00:09:23] Aline Hanle: This is not about what, what is how to communicate better.

[00:09:28] Loree Philip: It's about

[00:09:30] Aline Hanle: the relationship with the self that this other person is mirroring.

[00:09:34] Loree Philip: Mm hmm.

[00:09:35] Aline Hanle: And so now we have the authority to really transform that relationship because we're not making it about something outside of ourself. We are making it about ourself having the power to transform this relationship, right?

[00:09:52] Aline Hanle: So it's all about the intuitive aspect is really going back within, going back within systematically. Everything that I experience [00:10:00] outside as a source within. And in order for us to actually go deeper to find it, we're going to have to use our intuition to be able to access it. And that, once again, due to the nature of our uniqueness.

[00:10:15] Aline Hanle: I outside cannot know what's going on inside the person. So the work is going to be how can that person reveal what's inside that is, that is hidden from everybody outside and maybe sometimes from themselves, right? So all of that is, that's exciting to me because it's almost like a, there's a puzzle.

[00:10:37] Aline Hanle: It works. And we only see a few pieces and the sessions and the work and the programs are all about revealing the pieces that are there, but they are not as widely available or bright enough to be seen at first.

[00:10:53] Loree Philip: Yeah, it, it, it makes so much sense, Aline, and it's, I, I just love this idea [00:11:00] of that.

[00:11:00] Loree Philip: We do have all the answers within. It is very empowering to know that as a truth that Maybe I can't see the answer right now, but I do have it if I dig deep enough and I really get clear and ask the right questions, tap into my intuition to find out what it is. And so it, it. It's a different mindset than I have a problem.

[00:11:30] Loree Philip: And the first thing I do is to go Google it or find my local influencer, my favorite person, my best friend. I mean, there is, there is a lot of value to speaking out loud. What is going on with you? Because answers can be revealed to you just by letting it out. But if we start from this place of empowerment of I.

[00:11:52] Loree Philip: Even if the people watching, listening, don't feel like this is true for them right now, like, let's just start to get open to this [00:12:00] idea that it's possible that you do have all the answers within you and that with that practice, you can systematically build that relationship to tapping into your intuition.

[00:12:14] Loree Philip: And so how do you, if we start there, Aline, how do you help support or advise clients to do the practice of trying to working on that relationship with themselves on this isn't a one and done. This is a continuous Relationship that we're building and if you're not used to having that relationship It takes a little bit of time to build it just like any relationship

[00:12:40] Aline Hanle: yes, and so, I Share with people the same way I learned it for myself is that I was, my journey started with a physical body.

[00:12:50] Aline Hanle: So I had to create a relationship with my physical body in order for me to actually connect with it more effortlessly. And because [00:13:00] there's a wisdom innately within the body. And when I can tune into that wisdom, I will find the guidance of that wisdom. And my mind can actually be serving. That, that part of me, if it's true for the body, it's true for the emotional self.

[00:13:16] Aline Hanle: It's true for the soul. So what I do is. I have programs where people go through a series of in three months apart where they are going into only focusing on connecting to one dimension, the physical body, for example, or the emotional body or the mental body or the soulful body. So people will change, will choose what wherever they stand in their life at this moment.

[00:13:44] Aline Hanle: If I have somebody who is, challenged with a physical, matter, let's say weight loss, weight management, then they will go into the cohort of these three months. And then for three months, we're going to go dive into [00:14:00] understanding what the body is tuning into the body, finding the really creating this relationship, literally becoming familiar with these things.

[00:14:08] Aline Hanle: Version of ourself, this dimension of ourself that we are dealing with 24 7 since we were born, right? And so the idea for me is to really realize there's four at least four aspect of us Every day, when we get up in the morning, that needs to be attended to, so that they can be functioning better, be nurtured.

[00:14:32] Aline Hanle: And when they are nurtured, they co create super well. And that's where we are whole again, and that we can actually fuel and move this creative energy to manifest at a much higher level. But it's going to be starting first to reconnect safely with the physical body, safely with the emotional body, and safely with the soul body, and understanding how to use the mind to do this.

[00:14:56] Aline Hanle: So, there's a lot of learning to [00:15:00] how to do this, and, and those are the strategies, like how do I listen, how do I tune in, how do I recognize, how do I discern between the noise and the voice. So, all of these are the practice that are, that I'm inviting people to do. And then in between sessions, of course, they have an awareness, like a focused exercise to do.

[00:15:24] Aline Hanle: And because those are groups, mini groups, like mini cohort of four or five people, there's also the beauty of the sharing, the supporting, which I find essential for for the growth. So, it's really about self awareness, self discovery, self exploration.

[00:15:41] Loree Philip: Hmm. Yeah. And I really like how you focus on one thing at a time.

[00:15:48] Loree Philip: I think we can get caught up in trying to figure too many new things out at the same time and then getting overwhelmed by that process. Like I am [00:16:00] trying I've, I'm getting a new job and having a family and I just got married, like whatever it is, like all the things stacking up and then Oh, I get it.

[00:16:11] Loree Philip: I'm going to start listening to my emotions. I, I can see where that would be too much. And so, it is so supportive to, if you decide to work on something for yourself, to just choose one specific thing to work on and then to you sort of feel comfortable with that and then move on. I think that's When we start to learn how to say, let's just choose our emotions.

[00:16:39] Loree Philip: We're starting to learn how to, to listen to our emotions. What are some of the, just a few tips for people that are watching this or listening to this about how they can start to practice listening to their emotions?

[00:16:54] Aline Hanle: Yeah. So the, the listening part is especially related to emotion is [00:17:00] essential because there is, There's, it's almost like there's a part of us that is actually attracting our attention because there's a need for that, that version of ourself that we are, is that literally there is a child within ourself who is needing our attention because to, to be met and our self, when we are the authority, really, when we feel competent.

[00:17:27] Aline Hanle: As a parent, so to speak, an authority to meet the need, no matter what it is, which is what we're experiencing as parents, imagine if you have your kids who is sad and you're like, Oh, no, no, no, I don't want to, I don't want to hear it. I'm not listening to it. I'm not going to attend to it. No, whether the child is sad, angry, guilty, shamed, like, we have to attend it.

[00:17:50] Aline Hanle: So listening to it is essential because that's the same thing. If we not, if we don't listen, we won't be able to meet the need and [00:18:00] transform the experience. So tuning into listening, first of all, it requires a very comfortable space with silence.

[00:18:08] Loree Philip: Because

[00:18:09] Aline Hanle: At time, we're going to react to a to an emotion, and when we react, we already are in a place of of defense mode with using a tool that we put in place way long ago that is no longer adequate.

[00:18:28] Aline Hanle: to manage this and transform that. So it's adequate to keep to feeling safe, but it's not adequate to grow. So to me, practicing the capacity to be in silence still, and it doesn't have to be, we'll have to do it for an hour and a half and meditating when we're doing it. It's literally, can I stay quiet and still for five minutes?

[00:18:51] Aline Hanle: And just be aware of whatever moves me using the body to, to, to train using. Yeah. Because when we're going to [00:19:00] we're going to have a thought, maybe there's an emotion that is coming up. Can I just look at it? Let it go. Just look at it. And let it go and not starting wrapping ourself around, around this emotion with a narrative that is going to capture it and just put it maybe in the drawer and then lock it and then throw the, throw the key out, right?

[00:19:23] Aline Hanle: It's really about this capacity to stand in front of whatever emotions comes up. And that to me is a practice of once again, five minutes a day, what happened if I do this? Eventually. I am a big I love the embodied experience when really we are in the moment. So very often we, we, we have, we hear that you go to yoga and on your mat, everyone is just so very peaceful and very kind and very, and then at the moment we get out of our mats back in [00:20:00] our car and then suddenly it's like, I'm late.

[00:20:03] Aline Hanle: I cannot deal with it. And so to me, It's almost like, get out of the mat and make the mat, make your car, for example, your travel time, the mat. And so, things are going to trigger us, right? Because we think we're late, we, and at that moment, when something's happening on, when we are in the action, really having the capacity to observe ourselves, and just, can I be still, just like I practiced before at home, for these five minutes, when something is happening.

[00:20:38] Aline Hanle: Is happening that is out of my control, for example, and so having these in and out experience, I am training at home in order for me to recognize the space of silence, for example, and self awareness. And then taking it on the road when I know I'm going to be triggered when I go to see, I [00:21:00] don't know have clients like, oh I cannot stand my mother in perfect invite her for dinner.

[00:21:05] Aline Hanle: That's your training. That's the thing. I cannot deal with these. Perfect. Go get a coffee with this person. Because it's easy to do the work when we are in a safe space, but the work really is happening when we are uncomfortable. So, I'm inviting people to be courageous. To really practice thoughts, let's start at home with you and yourself.

[00:21:30] Aline Hanle: It's already a great space and then take it into life, into the everyday life, into the ordinary, so to speak, because that's how we discovering our extraordinary self.

[00:21:43] Loree Philip: Yeah, I'm, I'm a big proponent of quiet space and, and being comfortable in space and meditation and things like that. But I know why it can be so tricky and difficult for people because [00:22:00] we are currently.

[00:22:02] Loree Philip: Living in a culture that is very, attention, attention, attention to everything. Every moment is filled up, instant gratification. If I have a free second, I'm checking my email, like there isn't space. And so we have to be intentional. About creating that space. And I agree, it doesn't have to be an hour and a half.

[00:22:25] Loree Philip: It can be quite small and it's amazing practice and it is uncomfortable, but it does get easier. Mm-Hmm. , and it's, it's definitely worth it for sure.

[00:22:37] Aline Hanle: Mm-Hmm, , absolutely. Absolutely. That's the, and that's actually the, the, the gateway to, to more after, like really it's it's the, it looks like. It's not going to be much, but when we, do it in and out regularly, every day, five minutes to tune in, create [00:23:00] the space where we actually are safer in this space that we are behind our defense.

[00:23:07] Aline Hanle: Like, that's the really true self safety space, because we are the authority here and we can observe what's happening, we're not becoming what's happening. That's the practice of connecting in the disconnection, being connected as because we're seeing it, our awareness is connecting us with something, but we're not becoming that thing to that we are reacting against.

[00:23:31] Aline Hanle: So and that's really in order to create greater experiences. That's the way to do it, because we need to learn to manage this attachment in the detachment.

[00:23:42] Loree Philip: Yeah, and I was thinking and this is going back a little bit earlier to our conversation, but if a person is sort of starting to work on also figuring out, okay, I have all the answers.

[00:23:57] Loree Philip: What [00:24:00] are some good questions that they can get started with around prompts for themselves to start to unpack those answers, so that they can start tuning into their own internal wisdom? Oh, this is my

[00:24:16] Aline Hanle: favorite thing. So I'm going to show you actually, because this like, once again, I don't know what is the proper question for the person.

[00:24:23] Aline Hanle: So I created a essential question card game. And so this is 50, 50 cards with 50 questions on it. And when I have clients who needs to go. It's like, I don't know what I need to do for myself. I don't know where I need to go. I'm like, okay, let's just ask your soul. And so we're shuffling the cards and then people pick the cards.

[00:24:46] Aline Hanle: And so for example,

[00:24:48] Loree Philip: is it that, why do you isolate yourself is the question.

[00:24:52] Aline Hanle: That's it. Right. So what's happening suddenly, it's like it starts the conversation. It starts a conversation [00:25:00] where the mind now knows where to start. So it's not on good. So that's an essential question. It's not about what am I going to have for dinner and that can be an essential question as well.

[00:25:10] Aline Hanle: But in that moment. This is the most connected question that is going to attract the highest. Answer or the highest exploration that is needed for that person to find more about themselves or reveal really what is the pattern that is limiting, where they are today or how to move forward.

[00:25:34] Aline Hanle: So, this is a little bit or so part of this. Intuitive strategy, I would say package is that I cannot assume that there is a one, like one size fits all. And that's the thing. It's like, I, I know that what is in the most important is the person in front of me. And I don't know anything about it.

[00:25:56] Aline Hanle: And my work is not even to discover where they are. [00:26:00] It's not, it's not my, like, I don't wake up in the morning to discover who my client is. This client is waking up to discover who he or she is. And what I need to do is to systematically be a mirror that remind them that they are the right place, right time, doing the right thing because they are the right one.

[00:26:20] Loree Philip: That's

[00:26:21] Aline Hanle: my job. My job is to, because I know that I am the true one for myself. I become a mirror for the person in front of them to, in front of me, look at themselves, knowing that they are the extraordinary self that they've been looking for their entire life.

[00:26:37] Loree Philip: And so

[00:26:37] Aline Hanle: every time, every time, how do I help them sharpen their perception is because they are going to tell me, no, I'm not.

[00:26:45] Aline Hanle: And so therefore it's like, okay, what are you seeing? That is not what I'm seeing.

[00:26:50] Loree Philip: Hmm. Yeah. That, that is, and I think this is a really great, Point for people to hear, even [00:27:00] if you're not the client in the chair, you can be that leader for your kids, for your employees, for we always, I've always had thankfully people in my life that saw.

[00:27:18] Loree Philip: More in me than I did in the moment and being with those types of people are is so Powerful because they can hold that truth and and then you can start to see it Because of them being in your presence in your life holding that space and I think we forget that about About people it's like if you if if People that you interact with will show you what you expect to see in them.

[00:27:49] Loree Philip: So if you're, if you put out this vision of that, this person is great at their work, I, I expect them, they're [00:28:00] usually do their best. They're, you think highly of them. They will show up that way. And so that is something that we can do not only for ourselves, but for others. And I think it can be quite powerful.

[00:28:15] Loree Philip: Making in just how we model.

[00:28:18] Aline Hanle: Yeah, and you're right. It's a, it's actually a very simple tool. We are these tools for one another. Now, in order for us to systematically be able to. See the light in someone else. It's easy to see the light in our friends, in our kids, eventually, in our partner, lovers.

[00:28:39] Aline Hanle: The hardest, once again, when we sharpen the tool is, the tool which is perception, is how can I be standing As the light, the mirror of the light in front of somebody who triggers me in some ways, because I still have to do some work on myself. And that's what, that's the social media effect right now that [00:29:00] we see.

[00:29:00] Aline Hanle: It's very complicated for people to actually be nice, be kind, be compassionate when someone is projecting or sharing their truth that they that makes them feel uncomfortable. Instead of actually accepting, wow, this person thinks this way. That's not my way. But I don't feel threatened by it because it's not mine, period.

[00:29:26] Aline Hanle: But instead, there is this interconnected ping pong game that starts with having to project and reject what somebody is sending just because we are accepting it. And that's that's the the, what I call the elevation of consciousness when we are able to be in the middle of the world, surrounded by anybody, no matter the status, the place, geographically, the history, the background, the culture, the, the religion, the spiritual background.

[00:29:57] Aline Hanle: And the, The same, [00:30:00] then we know that we, we know who we are and we, we can work in that way safely amongst on this planet. And right now that's what we're learning.

[00:30:10] Loree Philip: Yeah. What a, what a beautiful vision that would be. It's like, sign me up, sign me up. I do want to touch on, before we wrap up today, I do want to talk a bit about the strategy piece in a little bit more detail.

[00:30:26] Loree Philip: I, I think there's probably a quite a large percentage of viewers and listeners that are not familiar with some of the universal principles and laws that we can leverage to as strategies. So once we start to get to know ourselves better, we start to, kind of see some of the things that we need.

[00:30:49] Loree Philip: And then craft that strategy and do it in a different way. I think there's a lot of power here. If maybe you could take a few minutes and talk about some of the, [00:31:00] most common principles that you leverage for your strategies.

[00:31:04] Aline Hanle: Yes, absolutely. Well, one that I love is as above, so below. So it is a very mystical universal principle, but this is, this is true for everybody.

[00:31:17] Aline Hanle: So whatever we are experiencing outside of ourself exists in source. So what is happening in my mind is happening in my body. What is happening in my perception here that I see out there is happening also simultaneously within myself. So as above, so below, how to use it practically is that every single time I feel triggered by something, I need to start taking on this because if I am aware of it, it belongs to me.

[00:31:47] Aline Hanle: And projecting it will not do anything. We cannot run away from ourselves, right? That is a universal law. Because I am at the center of my life, I'm the only one who has experienced everything I [00:32:00] know. Therefore, I am the owner of every single thing that I have been seeing, thinking, feeling, seeing, experiencing.

[00:32:10] Aline Hanle: So in that way, that's a universal principle because everyone, it's true for everybody. Therefore, there's an aspect of me that owns it and if I can own something, I can transform it. If I don't own it, I am a victim and I'm stuck in it. So these to me are very important. Why? Because one, it puts us back in the authority and sovereignty of our life with a capacity for change.

[00:32:42] Aline Hanle: Every single time we are going to use the victimhood consciousness, which is, it's not my fault. I didn't do it. I didn't want it. I never asked for it. I, well, what we're literally doing is you see my gold, you see my power here. It belongs to [00:33:00] that person, and I need to wait for that person to change in order for me to change.

[00:33:05] Aline Hanle: We can, but we see what's happening.

[00:33:08] Loree Philip: People

[00:33:09] Aline Hanle: feel imprisoned victimized. So reclaiming the fact that we are one, and we are, because in our five year reality, what I call the soul level, we are one. There is only oneness. And so therefore if, if my reality is, if my physical reality is giving me a sense of like a challenge that the mind that is looking cannot comprehend, overcome, I have to go back to the universal truth.

[00:33:43] Aline Hanle: Well, since it is happening to me, It is happening for me, and I wanted it, and I don't know why. So, that is the first thing. Accepting what is, is the first gateway through elevating what's [00:34:00] happening, so that we can transmute or transform it. Accept, elevate. and transform. That's the path. And that's true for everybody.

[00:34:08] Aline Hanle: That's a universal law. We cannot transform something we have not accepted first because it's still outside of ourself. The, the the, I always, always, this is probably the first lesson that I shared with my students that is, and it's really always the reset button. That's why it's so important is I am always at the right place, right time doing the right thing because I am the true one.

[00:34:34] Aline Hanle: And the true 1 is really the most authentic version of ourself. The what I call the highest, right? So these, these are important victimhood, consciousness and responsibility.

[00:34:46] Aline Hanle: All of these are, Literally, universal principle that when we start to understand how they are co creating and we can use them literally as a tool in our toolbox, whatever is coming our way, [00:35:00] we have a tool to, to use, to. Manage the what's coming and, and accept it so that we can elevate and transform.

[00:35:11] Loree Philip: Yeah. Thank you for sharing that. It's I know it was a quick run through and a lot of those principles are quite deep. And so I was curious because we had this. Talked about it earlier in the conversation and I didn't want to miss it, but there is a lot there. So for people that are like, okay, what, what is all this?

[00:35:33] Loree Philip: And maybe it went right over your head. And some of it went right over my head. So I can relate. It's, it, it, it. It is a lot, and there's, there's a lot of resources online if people are interested to look at that, further. And so before we close out, Aline, I'd love to hear what, what's an important thing that we might have missed from this conversation so far that, that you feel we should bring up before we close out [00:36:00] today?

[00:36:00] Aline Hanle: Well I feel like this is and that's why I love your the title of your show because daring to lead to me is really always the first step is that the desire to learn, to grow, to expand is going to ask us to find the courage to do it. So The audience that has chosen to connect with you and listen to you, they are that gateway, that door where something is ready for them to expand and, and grow.

[00:36:29] Aline Hanle: And then so that their actual physical reality is unfolding with much more alignment and purpose and meaningfulness than before. And it will take this, this leap of faith, this leap, like self trust this, this capacity to just. Push a little more than what we we have done before to open a new door we've never opened before to and, and I really, honor you to be a messenger [00:37:00] for consciousness to remember that is that it's, it doesn't have to be tomorrow.

[00:37:05] Aline Hanle: I'm just going to quit my job and just like if, if not, I cannot survive. No, it's, it's there to take five minutes to do something different.

[00:37:14] Loree Philip: And

[00:37:15] Aline Hanle: before, because that's the daring part. It doesn't have to be a big choice that will change your entire reality today. It has to do like, what happens if I drive a different route to go to work today?

[00:37:28] Aline Hanle: Well, that is a leap of faith because we are going into a form of unknown. That means we are meeting a part of ourself that we've never met before, and that's daring to meet the stranger within himself.

[00:37:41] Loree Philip: Because we

[00:37:42] Aline Hanle: don't know how we should be with this version of ourself. And that is that is genius to me.

[00:37:49] Aline Hanle: This is courage, and this is what we need. individually and collectively are seeking right now. So that's very important.

[00:37:58] Loree Philip: Thank you for sharing that, [00:38:00] Aline. I appreciate it so much. And if you could share with the audience where they can reach you and learn more about you and your work. Yes, of course. Well

[00:38:09] Aline Hanle: Anytime you desire to go explore your soulful life, please reach out to me using the contact Page on experience extraordinary.

[00:38:21] Aline Hanle: com. And and whatever question you have, please reach out. You're going to find me there. And then of course, on social media at Aline Henley, you're going to find me on Instagram, very active there and Facebook a little bit as well. And LinkedIn as well. So don't hesitate, reach out to me. Questions will be answered within 24 hours.

[00:38:43] Aline Hanle: I promise you.

[00:38:44] Loree Philip: Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate your time and your wisdom today. Thank you so much, Laurie. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe. If you're already a subscriber, don't forget to [00:39:00] share the podcast with a friend.

[00:39:02] Loree Philip: Make sure to tune in next week. We will be speaking with Steph Cartwright about resume writing.

[00:39:09] Loree Philip: And what it takes to stand out in today's job market. I hope you have an amazing week. It's your time to shine. Bye.

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