#80 – Growth Mindset Mastery: How to Cultivate A Powerful Mindset For Limitless Potential | Empowerment & Career Advice

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to thrive and grow continuously, no matter the circumstances? What if you could unlock the secrets to a powerful growth mindset that opens doors to limitless potential?  Join us as we dive deep into the art of cultivating a mindset that drives endless growth and personal empowerment. …

#80 – Growth Mindset Mastery: How to Cultivate A Powerful Mindset For Limitless Potential | Empowerment & Career Advice Read More »

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to thrive and grow continuously, no matter the circumstances? What if you could unlock the secrets to a powerful growth mindset that opens doors to limitless potential? 

Join us as we dive deep into the art of cultivating a mindset that drives endless growth and personal empowerment.

In the latest episode of Daring to Leap, Bridget Hom, a top mindset coach and founder of Bridge to Freedom Coaching, joins our host, Loree Philip, to delve into the transformative power of a growth mindset.

This conversation provides invaluable insights and practical exercises to help you cultivate a growth mindset, align with your authentic self, and take empowered actions towards your personal and professional goals.

By listening to this episode, you’ll:

  • Learn Bridget’s definition of a growth mindset and how focusing on continuous improvement in thinking, being, and doing can transform your life.
  • Discover how emotional intelligence underpins a growth mindset, allowing you to entertain thoughts without accepting them and fostering personal growth.
  • Gain actionable steps to enhance self-awareness through writing exercises and master self-regulation to maintain serenity and authenticity in challenging situations.
  • Find out how to align your desires with what you believe you deserve, enabling you to communicate effectively and achieve your goals.
  • Understand the importance of alignment in relationships, business growth, and personal satisfaction, and how to cultivate the energy you wish to receive from others.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to foster a growth mindset, enhance emotional intelligence, and achieve alignment in your personal and professional life. So why wait? Hit play and start your journey towards limitless potential today!

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[00:00:00] Loree Philip: Hi, and welcome to Daring to Leap. I'm your host, Loriee Philip. Have you ever wondered how some people manage to thrive and grow continuously, no matter the circumstances? Tune in as mindset coach Bridget Hom shares transformative techniques so that you can unlock a powerful growth mindset, opening doors to your limitless potential.

[00:00:25] Loree Philip: Let's dive in.

[00:00:27] Loree Philip: Bridget is a top mindset coach. She launched into entrepreneurship during a time when people were pushing reinvention and personal and professional evolution in their lives and businesses.

[00:00:42] Loree Philip: Having coached individuals and teams and influenced thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners nationwide in the find your freedom program and stuck on ready program. She founded the law of deservability and trains leaders and business owners to take ownership of [00:01:00] personal development and adopt innovative business growth strategies to equip them to access their limitless potential.

[00:01:09] Loree Philip: Welcome to the show, Bridget. Hey, thanks,

[00:01:12] Bridget Hom: Laurie. I am excited to do this with you today.

[00:01:16] Loree Philip: I'm excited to have you here, Bridget. I really, really love, reading your bio and all the stuff that you're up to. And I told you that one of the things that I really wanted to chat with you today was around growth mindset and law of deservability.

[00:01:32] Loree Philip: And all of those topics really piqued my interest. But before we get to that. I'd love to hear your story a bit. What were you doing before you launched this beautiful business? Wrote books, built programs. What was your prior career and what, what made you decide to switch?

[00:01:52] Bridget Hom: What made me decide to switch was actually desperation.

[00:01:55] Bridget Hom: I had no other options and the story goes [00:02:00] like this. Well, my background originally was ministry and journalism, and then I was a stay at home mom for about a decade with my three young boys. Had kind of a bougie life, actually. I had three nannies, traveled the world, and what happened next I didn't see coming.

[00:02:15] Bridget Hom: During the reinvention evolution of 2020, as I like to call it now, I was on my way to getting Zoom divorced. And I moved out of my big, beautiful home, and then virtual school became a reality for my three young boys. And I had a job in the seniors industry at that time, and that disappeared for senior citizen safety.

[00:02:35] Bridget Hom: And I was in this apartment, and Bridge to Freedom coaching was just a side hustle. I'd had three clients total. And I was in my apartment, my, with my three boys, and I was trying to figure out what to do next. And I got a random Zoom business networking link. And I didn't even know what a Zoom was. And actually at this time, I'll tell you this, I was really considering what my friend suggested.

[00:02:55] Bridget Hom: She goes, Bridget, become an Instacart shopper. This is awesome. You could do this. [00:03:00] I said, you know what, maybe I should consider this. But something inside of me just said, there's something different for you. And I showed up at this meeting on a Thursday morning at 8 a. m. and a gentleman, Brian goes, Bridgette Holm, give your 30 seconds.

[00:03:15] Bridget Hom: I'm like, dang it. He mispronounced my last name. What am I supposed to say? And I just, what came out even surprised me. And I just said, Bridgette Holm here at Bridge to Freedom Coaching. Are you ready to level up? And I had six clients within six weeks. My 90 day find your freedom program was born. My self paced programs, motivational speaking engagements the bestselling books stuck on ready.

[00:03:37] Bridget Hom: And, and here we are today. I do business and life coaching between the hours of 8 AM and 3 PM. And it's, it's going rather well, but it didn't start with this ambition of mine, to, to coach the entire world of business owners, entrepreneurs women, entrepreneurs, et cetera. It was just. It just, I followed the next move in front of me.

[00:03:57] Loree Philip: What a story, Bridget. I'm so glad [00:04:00] I asked you about this and what I've, I've noticed with people is that a lot of the times it isn't their own initiative and goal and dream that pushes them to do something. It's the universe closes a door or two or three and, and you're in this situation and we're like, what am I going to do next?

[00:04:25] Loree Philip: And it kind of pushes us to get to where we're supposed to be a little faster than I think if we would have just let things roll the way they were.

[00:04:37] Bridget Hom: Yeah. A hundred percent agree with that one. But I would say that the number one philosophy that I held near and dear to my heart that I encourage anyone that I even come across to hold to is when you make your number one goal to just show up well and authentically.

[00:04:51] Bridget Hom: You make your number two goal to empower the person in front of you no matter what. Those opportunities do show up in front of you because it's about the who, not the [00:05:00] how. Sometimes in figuring out your next move for business growth or mindset, etc. Mmm. What do you think about that? Yeah. Who, not how.

[00:05:08] Loree Philip: Who not how?

[00:05:09] Loree Philip: There's a book called Who Not How. I

[00:05:13] Bridget Hom: I read it.

[00:05:13] Loree Philip: Yeah.

[00:05:15] Bridget Hom: Jan Sullivan. I know. I just shared it with my group coaching peeps. I'm like, you guys need to read this book. It's phenomenal.

[00:05:21] Loree Philip: Yeah. Yeah. It's so interesting because well, there's 2 things you said in there besides like the who, not how is a great way to think about how to accomplish something because it doesn't always have to be you and we take everything on on ourselves.

[00:05:38] Loree Philip: And then we have limited time and energy and resources to get stuff done. And maybe. We're not the experts on everything. Right. And so, so that's a great, great segue for that. And then also I really loved, what you said about empowering the person in front of you. There's so much simplicity in that, like, [00:06:00] let's take away layers and layers of leadership training and strategies, and I've got 20 page to do lists and what if.

[00:06:11] Loree Philip: We just empowered the person right in front of us. Yes. I think that's really beautiful, Bridget.

[00:06:17] Bridget Hom: Thank you for sharing that. Absolutely. Because empowerment means giving someone the authority or power to do something or be something. And that's the mark of that growth mindset, as we were talking about before.

[00:06:32] Bridget Hom: in order to have that growth, that empowerment generator mindset. You're always focused on growth, not only your own, but encouraging others to do the same.

[00:06:42] Loree Philip: Yeah, it definitely, I've always loved this idea of not just for you, but for others. Like if we can just, we grow for ourselves, but then it helps others also from a modeling perspective as well.

[00:06:57] Loree Philip: Let's dive into growth [00:07:00] mindset. Let's just start at the top, Bridget. What is your definition, or if you can explain to our listeners today, what do you mean by growth mindset?

[00:07:11] Bridget Hom: A growth mindset is the mindset of always focusing on more and better. In your own life, in your ways of thinking, being and doing.

[00:07:23] Bridget Hom: That's the simplest definition I can give for that.

[00:07:25] Loree Philip: Yeah. More or better like that, that, that we can, and we strive for growth.

[00:07:31] Bridget Hom: Absolutely. And I would say it's on the foundation of emotional intelligence. My favorite quote to describe emotional intelligence is by Aristotle, and it's the mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain a thought without accepting it.

[00:07:47] Bridget Hom: So when you add that ideology of more and better, what that looks like for you and your ways of thinking, being, and doing, and then you start to entertain thoughts without accepting them, without adopting them as your [00:08:00] truth, if they're not your truth, then you're on your way to actually embracing growth and helping others to do the same based on where they're at.

[00:08:09] Loree Philip: You know what came up for me with that definition, and I know this is not what you mean, but I, I think with people, how do we strive for growth and look to improve and be better without losing ourselves in it? Not enough and maybe that's all we're going to talk about deservability later, right? Because that's part of this conversation, but you know, it's like there is a difference between striving for growth for, for just the sake of it and just keep going and not being okay with where you are today.

[00:08:46] Loree Philip: And And actually looking to grow, but while being okay, where you are today, can you talk to me a bit about that?

[00:08:55] Bridget Hom: That's so funny. You brought that up because I've had this conversation with multiple people this week, [00:09:00] women specifically. They're like, if I'm happy with where I'm at, will I be able to get to that next level of growth?

[00:09:07] Bridget Hom: If I've content, will God or the universe bless me with more? And I said, absolutely, because you want to start with the foundation of acceptance because acceptance leads to gratitude and gratitude is naturally a mind opener, right? Whenever you say you're grateful for something, it's easy to start to find more things to be grateful for.

[00:09:28] Bridget Hom: It's like the trees, the sun appears brighter, right? The sky appears brighter. Everything looks a little bit better around you. With that being said, if you accept where you're at today, then you're starting to lay a foundation for figuring out what you want more or better of next, because a solid foundation of growth can never start with discontent because negative only begets more negative.

[00:09:53] Bridget Hom: So even when I was starting with my business, I didn't start with, Oh my gosh, there's, [00:10:00] there's nothing else to do with that negative mindset. I didn't hire sabotage on my mental team. And see it as I have no opportunities. I saw it as I have one opportunity in front of me and I'm going to take it. I have one opportunity to show up well and authentically right now.

[00:10:15] Bridget Hom: I'm going to make the most of it. So choosing to be very intentional and self aware, that's the first step to a growth mindset is that self awareness. That leads to self regulation and then self actualization. Those are the three components of the growth mindset. For any woman who's in her career, who may be happy with her career but discontent with her life, wherever she, wherever you are at right now, you want to be in a place where you can get self aware and then self regulate and self actualize.

[00:10:47] Bridget Hom: Because the highest form of good, according to the law of deservability, is alignment. Alignment with your authentic self, which gets rid of all the ways we could sabotage ourselves. Right? I, [00:11:00] and the unworthiness melts away because when it comes to relationships, it's about alignment. When it comes to business growth, it's about alignment with your authentic self.

[00:11:09] Bridget Hom: Hmm.

[00:11:10] Loree Philip: Yeah. There's so much there. I think that, I'd love to dive a little bit deeper. Burr into those three areas, because, I think I understand what they are, but I want to make sure that people who are engaged in this conversation really understand what, what you mean by that. So the, the, the first one is self awareness.

[00:11:32] Loree Philip: And I think that's pretty straightforward. That one we talked about a little bit already and being aware of ourselves and what we're how we're feeling, what our tendencies are. All of the things. Is there anything you want to add on self awareness before we shift into that second bucket?

[00:11:50] Bridget Hom: Oh, absolutely. I actually think it's a pretty common misconception that we've mastered self awareness or it's a simple term because [00:12:00] the truth is that we may think we're self aware on a conscious level, but we have a whole subconscious pattern that is helping us get or making us misaligned with our authenticity.

[00:12:11] Bridget Hom: Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. So, the first step to really growing in self awareness is getting a pen and paper out and setting a two minute timer and just emptying your headspace out on paper to see how you're really gonna show up today. Who are you being when you're doing? Because when you write, it gives access to your subconscious mind.

[00:12:31] Bridget Hom: So that's the program that we're going to function in. And I'll tell you this, it is fascinating. I was talking to someone the other day, they did this exercise and they said they were so focused on serving others. And they were trying to get to that next level of career growth, but then they realized they were just focused on charity work.

[00:12:49] Bridget Hom: And I said, you're consciously self aware that you do want this. You do want to level up in career, but your subconscious is focused on charity work. You see how you're [00:13:00] misaligned. Your awareness is off. Hmm.

[00:13:03] Loree Philip: So if we take two minutes and a piece of paper to do the exercise, what's a, what's a prompt or a question that we can use to kind of get ourselves going and flowing for that, that writing exercise?

[00:13:14] Loree Philip: Dear God or dear universe.

[00:13:17] Loree Philip: Write a letter.

[00:13:18] Bridget Hom: Write whatever comes to your mind. And you'll find, I actually found this for myself, sometimes there are things I don't want to write down. It's like, Oh, do I really want to be that honest with myself in this moment? And so you'll find you're, you'll, you'll start to see where you're not giving yourself that gift of radical self acceptance.

[00:13:38] Bridget Hom: Which we give ourselves worthiness first, because others won't recognize it within us if we don't get to that point first. Mm hmm.

[00:13:45] Loree Philip: Yeah. And so, so we write whatever, I love this idea of just write what comes to you. I think it's probably that, hesitation. That we might feel like, should I write this down?

[00:13:57] Loree Philip: That's probably, whatever that is, [00:14:00] is so important for us to notice. Even if we're not ready to write it down. It's like, okay, I, I pulled back a bit here. I should probably pay attention to that.

[00:14:11] Bridget Hom: Exactly. And as women, we always have 24, 000 things going on in our head spaces, right? It's so easy to live under the influence of circumstances, environments, never ending to do list, checklist, kids stuff school stuff.

[00:14:27] Bridget Hom: I have three boys. I'm sure some of the people listening have that too, the school schedules and you're managing five different schedules. And so if you just give yourself a I have

[00:14:36] Loree Philip: a spreadsheet for the summer camps already going. Just like, Miles is going here this week, here this week, here this week with these friends, and then Claire's going here and I'm just like, I have to organize it.

[00:14:51] Loree Philip: I know exactly what you're talking about, Bridget. Oh yes, exactly.

[00:14:55] Loree Philip: So if we move into that into that next bucket under the [00:15:00] three pieces of the growth mindset, can you talk to us a bit more about that next bucket?

[00:15:05] Bridget Hom: Absolutely. For growth mindset, the second step after self awareness is self regulation. That's the ability to pause with a purpose when agitated or doubtful, the ability to not take offense or take ownership of other people's opinions or objections.

[00:15:24] Bridget Hom: When I was launching my business, a quick story, my family was one of my biggest support. Like they were my biggest supporters and, but at some points they were like, what is this coaching thing, Bridget? Why don't you just go get a job at Starbucks or Chipotle? We'll take care of you, right? We'll take care of you.

[00:15:41] Bridget Hom: You don't, what is this thing you're actually doing? And so not buying their limiting beliefs, but really cultivating that muscle of listening to myself first of what I know is in alignment with me. And not reacting. I always say, Observe, don't absorb, [00:16:00] right, because when we absorb other people's ideas or thoughts or things that are not true to us, we create an inner conflict within, which creates a stumbling block to us getting results, to us taking that next move for career growth when we listen to that opinion instead of listening to ourselves.

[00:16:18] Bridget Hom: So I say self regulation and practicing something I call the rules of engagement. Pause with a purpose. Step into logic, ask yourself, is this true for me or about me? When you're in a conversation, take ownership of that and then speak the truth where there's no conflict present or where there may be conflict present but there's no emotional intimacy built.

[00:16:40] Bridget Hom: You want to speak the truth, speak your truth only when there's emotional intimacy built and there's no conflict present. I call those the rules of engagement and I put them in my book.

[00:16:52] Loree Philip: Yes. We can probably have a whole conversation diving into all of this because self regulation is [00:17:00] tricky. It is so tricky and it takes a lot of practice and, A lot of grace and, A lot of pausing. Yeah, a lot of pausing. If you can, if you could just, maybe just start with practicing the pause until you master that and then shift.

[00:17:20] Loree Philip: Brilliant. Brilliant.

[00:17:22] Bridget Hom: Positive Purpose.

[00:17:22] Loree Philip: Do a brain dump. Do a brain dump. Don't respond. It's like, it made me think of, too, that there's that story or saying like, if you get an email and it makes you get you're so mad and you want to respond You know, whatever it said in anger that you can write the response and then delete it.

[00:17:42] Bridget Hom: Yes, yes.

[00:17:45] Loree Philip: In that state, but what I really love about this self regulation is that there's so much empowerment in it. Once you start to Master all those rules of engagement [00:18:00] that you laid out so beautifully and you start to practice that for yourself, all of a sudden you're really taking your power back.

[00:18:07] Loree Philip: You're, you're not letting the emotions get the best of you. You're not letting other people get the best of you. You're not soaking in their emotions. And so I, this, this area is so important. And I love that you brought this into the conversation about growth mindset I mean, like I said, we could spend hours here.

[00:18:27] Loree Philip: It's just, there's so much,

[00:18:29] Bridget Hom: If I could share one other thing that we, we don't acknowledge this like all the time. The truth is we are in a relationship with our thoughts about people versus people themselves. And so we're hiring the wrong mental team of emotions typically. And so if we can address.

[00:18:47] Bridget Hom: What our emotional state is first and foremost, and not take the bait to text that person right now. Or like you said, to email this person right now, pause with a purpose and ask yourself, am I [00:19:00] taking the bait right now? Am I stepping out of self regulating right now? We'll be so much better off and we will have more serenity and sanity in all situations.

[00:19:09] Loree Philip: Yes. Yes. It sounds so beautiful. I actually, it was funny as I really. I felt like I could, nobody could get under my skin until I had kids and then my kids were the ones that could do it. I'm like, how is this happening? And so we were all learning and growing. Yeah. Yeah. It's like they were born to push this button in me so I could.

[00:19:34] Loree Philip: Learn it and let it go is exactly what, what it is. But in the moment, I'm like, ah,

[00:19:40] Bridget Hom: Children, husbands, bosses give you so many opportunities to practice healthy emotional boundaries, don't they? They do. Oh goodness.

[00:19:51] Loree Philip: Let's shift into the third bucket, Bridget.

[00:19:54] Bridget Hom: Don't relive that right now. Don't hire the wrong mental team.

[00:19:56] Bridget Hom: I'm letting it go. Do a [00:20:00] quick brain dump, right? Self actualization. Now, this is not a common term. You'll hear people say access limitless potential, mostly in the coaching space or entrepreneurship space, but limitless potential for, for many of us women who are in career paths, who have families, we have that, we want that work life balance.

[00:20:21] Bridget Hom: We want to have it all, but we believe we have to, we have to sacrifice something. Right. We don't, we don't live in the mindset of both and we don't live in the mindset of asking specific questions to get our desired or deserved results. That's where it really starts. It starts with asking yourself the questions first on paper.

[00:20:42] Bridget Hom: What do I believe I deserve versus just what I desire? Because deservability steps into action, desire is actually from a place of lack. We don't believe we're going to have it. We want it. We want that work life balance. We want to, we want to work from home one day a week. We want to quit working at 3 [00:21:00] p.

[00:21:00] Bridget Hom: m. or maybe we want to level up in our careers and we want to, we want to get to that next level and we have to ask the right questions to get there. But if we don't believe that we, that we deserve it. Then we won't communicate authentically or well because 90 percent of our communication is based on our belief systems.

[00:21:18] Bridget Hom: It's non verbal. Mm hmm. So self actualization means being in total alignment with your roles and your goals. With seeing that destination of what you believe you deserve for either income, for lifestyle, For family life, for the things that you love to do. I love doing service work. I love being a part of recovery church movement.

[00:21:41] Bridget Hom: I love singing. I love salsa dancing. I love so many different things. I love going to my boys soccer games, which is, I feel like they're five days a week now. I don't know how that happened. Three of them, I guess it makes sense, but being in total and complete alignment is it fee, it's peace of mind. It's knowing how to ask those next right [00:22:00] questions to keep yourself intact, authentically, does that make sense?

[00:22:05] Loree Philip: Yeah, yeah, I was thinking about deservability versus desires when you were laying it out. So how, I've actually Thought I deserve something, but I think I had some conscious beliefs that, that basically, were saying that I didn't think I deserved it. And it wasn't until that came forward in an exercise I was doing that I was like, Oh.

[00:22:31] Loree Philip: Well, where did this come from? You know what I mean? And so how do we start to either ask ourselves the right questions or uncover what we actually feel like we deserve all the way deep down into our subconscious?

[00:22:48] Bridget Hom: Well, I'll give a very. Quick exercise. It is a writing exercise. So for, for the ladies who are listening, you can absolutely do this at any time.

[00:22:57] Bridget Hom: The fastest way to figure out if you're [00:23:00] experiencing a limiting belief is to write down what I call your sales pitch to yourself, your conscious mind. So if you were thinking about a career shift in any way. you would write down these four components. What am I saying about this? What am I thinking about this?

[00:23:19] Bridget Hom: What am I feeling about this? And what am I doing about this? And I put these four components in the book as well, because that's what your conscious mind sells to your subconscious mind all the time. So first it's identifying your thoughts, words, actions, and emotions about that scenario. Huh. Then you draw an arrow from each one of those, your feelings.

[00:23:40] Bridget Hom: How do you believe you deserve to feel? What are you doing right now? What's the real action you want to take to get to that next level? So you go through those four components and you flip them from negative to positive. And you start selling yourself that sales pitch, the different one. So you'll read it every [00:24:00] morning.

[00:24:00] Bridget Hom: You'll listen to your own voice saying it. And affirm that that will gradually start to shift that program to starting to see that this new program is not just possible, but inevitable.

[00:24:13] Loree Philip: Yeah, I, I, I like the, I'm not saying that we're skipping under, like, we skipping over what. We feel inside, but it's like, well, why don't we just decide like, this is what I'm doing. This is what I should, I would love to do. Let's just reprogram it and, and get it aligned without having to really like go in and.

[00:24:37] Loree Philip: Do the work just keep wondering and what happened when I was 6, it caused me to feel this way it at the end of the day, it probably it doesn't matter anymore as long as you're ready to let it go, but the, there's, you, you mentioned this earlier about people, but there are so many stories that we've [00:25:00] created about some of these things.

[00:25:02] Loree Philip: So it's like, let's just get past all of that to the root of it. So yeah, that sounds really powerful. As far as the exercise in hitting all of the things, thoughts, feelings, actions. Words. What was the last

[00:25:19] Bridget Hom: one? Words.

[00:25:20] Loree Philip: Oh gosh.

[00:25:21] Bridget Hom: And words. What did you say? Because typically we sell ourselves. We sell other people on things like that we want to be experiencing or that we are experiencing.

[00:25:28] Bridget Hom: Oh, people ask you how your day is going, right? And you'll say, Oh, it could be better. You could just say something like, I'm grateful that it's sunny out. How are you? I'm grateful that my kids are healthy. How are you? And that's a form of self regulating as well. And now you're starting to create that ripple effect because how do you feel if I said, Oh, I'm grateful we're meeting today, Laurie, how are you?

[00:25:54] Bridget Hom: How does that shift your mindset? Yeah, yeah,

[00:25:58] Loree Philip: it's good. It feels good. Thanks [00:26:00] Bridget for coming. Like, this is great. I'm also grateful that you're here. It does. It does. And it made me think of like, so there's a self regulation and one of the things I was working on, last year was this idea of allowing myself to receive compliments and, and not just brush them off.

[00:26:22] Loree Philip: Like if somebody said, Oh, wow, you're, you're. Hair looks great today and it says, oh, this, I just kind of whatever kind of thank you. But, but actually allow myself to receive it and soak it in. And so it's just like this conscious decision of how we want to show up, how we want to feel, what we want to allow into our space.

[00:26:46] Loree Philip: So that we can move forward and get to that place of growth and I love the term limitless potential, or even if we want to just be aligned authentically. I mean, that is also [00:27:00] just as beautiful of a life, right?

[00:27:03] Bridget Hom: Yes, I always say there's no such thing as acceptance or rejection in the world of business, in career growth, in relationships.

[00:27:11] Bridget Hom: There's only alignment. And that makes people feel much better about their lives and where they're at. Because that's the truth. Yeah.

[00:27:18] Loree Philip: Yeah. We've said that word quite a bit during this conversation, alignment, and I'd love to hear from you, Bridget, how, how, how can we simplify it in a way that maybe some people are like, what exactly does she mean by alignment?

[00:27:35] Loree Philip: How would you kind of define that for people?

[00:27:38] Bridget Hom: Alignment is where the people in your lives, the opportunities that are around you reflect your best self. When I have conversations with people it's, it's funny because I'm like, gosh, why are all these people so empowering? And it's because, well, that's the energy that I'm sharing with them.

[00:27:59] Bridget Hom: People [00:28:00] generally reflect and mirror the energy that you present to them. So that would be the simplest way to explain it. So create the energy that you would like to share with others and that you'd like them to share with you.

[00:28:13] Loree Philip: Yes, yes. That's. And so that's where I was thinking around. Because we can go back to what's in our control and what's outside of our control and I 100 percent believe in what you're saying as far as Our energy is reflected back to us all the time And so that's what we can work on for ourselves is understanding what we want that to be and how do we?

[00:28:42] Loree Philip: Feel, think, say words, act to make sure that, that, that we're embodying that, that energy that we're choosing and for, for you, that might be empowerment for somebody else. It might be something else, but it's, it's very personal. [00:29:00] And how we want to show up.

[00:29:01] Bridget Hom: Oh, absolutely. And I always say everyone has a mental rehearsal.

[00:29:05] Bridget Hom: Everyone has certain qualities that they show up in. It might be compassion. It might be charismatic. It might be problem solving. It might be one of the other ones that I've worked with so many phenomenal individuals. You might be an influencer. You might be someone who is nurturing, relationship builder, we all have specific qualities that are true to our nature that we get to share with the world.

[00:29:32] Bridget Hom: And that's part of being in alignment. You're just looking, how can I serve others with solutions based on my best self? And that works very well in company cultures. Focusing on who people are being when they're doing. So they can do doing better.

[00:29:49] Loree Philip: So they can do doing better. Yeah, I love this, I love that saying.

[00:29:54] Loree Philip: Because, because we can, we can all relate to this, right? Like, you're the same person but maybe you show up and [00:30:00] you're having a bad day and you're going through the motions and you're doing. What is the result of that and you can't, on the other side of the spectrum, you show up, you feel great, you feel aligned, you're intentional, purposeful, you go, you do all the things.

[00:30:16] Loree Philip: And what is the result of that and how did you feel about it? How did everybody else feel about it? Completely two different results.

[00:30:24] Bridget Hom: Exactly. Well, and I it sounds silly. Sometimes I say feelings aren't your friends. When it comes to creating empowered relationships, when it comes to creating an, a well a thriving workplace, oftentimes when we lead with our feelings, we leave our authentic selves behind.

[00:30:46] Bridget Hom: Cause I don't know about you, but sometimes when I'm acting out of emotion, then I'm in a reaction, I step out of alignment with myself real quick. And so doing the brain dump with that self awareness, practicing the rules of engagement, [00:31:00] giving yourself the opportunity to step back into authentic alignment, what do you think the result could be in the workplace if everyone knew how to do that?

[00:31:11] Bridget Hom: Mm. I've seen work cultures Yeah, I think it would be really beautiful. Mm hmm. I've seen work cultures transform just by instituting a brain dump in their company meetings. Mm hmm. Cause everyone became intentional with the topic at hand. And they dumped their emotions on it before anything else that they were, they left behind the weekend.

[00:31:30] Bridget Hom: They were present. They were happier. They were more intentional. So it truly does work.

[00:31:36] Loree Philip: Yeah, it's, it's. It's such an important discussion and I would just caveat that with with feelings. I feel like feelings are important information for us to have, but the the step that you've instituted Bridget is so powerful on the pause. Because We're supposed to get information from our [00:32:00] feelings and it's usually telling us something important.

[00:32:04] Loree Philip: However, It's not always Where we want to then use that energy and to do something like the acting part out of that energy is not great So so it's just like that's where your pause comes in and I think that's why it's so smart and so we're going to start to wrap up a little bit here, Bridget.

[00:32:26] Loree Philip: I'd love to hear from you any, last thoughts on this topic, anything you'd want to share with the audience that we haven't touched, had a chance to touch on today that you think is important for them to know. Absolutely.

[00:32:39] Bridget Hom: Start doing a brain dump. Start giving yourself the opportunity to take ownership of your headspace before you start your day.

[00:32:49] Bridget Hom: So that you can make your number one goal to show up well and authentically in your relationships with your partners, your spouses, with your children. So within your workspace, with your bosses, [00:33:00] with your coworkers, give yourself the gift of being intentional. and pausing with a purpose, you will notice that you will start to have a romance with your own life.

[00:33:09] Bridget Hom: And you'll start making more empowered decisions to get to that next level for business growth, wherever you're at to get that, that what's it called a raise to get to that place where you just start to feel comfortable in your own skin. So I just encourage you to make that your number one goal and then your number two goal to empower the person who's in front of you, no matter what.

[00:33:30] Loree Philip: Well, I, I think that's a beautiful vision Bridget, Bridget for everybody. And I, I love that so much. So thank you. I'd love for you to, for you to share with the audience where they can learn more about you, your work, your book, where can people connect with you?

[00:33:46] Bridget Hom: Anywhere on social, LinkedIn is a great place to connect with me.

[00:33:50] Bridget Hom: You can get my book at StuckOnReady. com. It has a strategy to use for any situation in the book on every page, actually. If you'd like to do [00:34:00] a direction session, we can meet one on one. It's BridgetHalm. me. If you'd like to gain direction for or talk about this conversation, I would love to hear from you.

[00:34:11] Loree Philip: Oh, great. Thank you so much for your time and your energy and your, just everything about you. I really loved it so much. Thank you, Bridget.

[00:34:20] Bridget Hom: Thanks, Lori.

[00:34:21] Loree Philip: Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe. If you're already a subscriber, don't forget to share the podcast with a friend.

[00:34:33] Loree Philip: Make sure to tune in next week. We will be speaking with Danielle Smeltzer about embodied leadership and how you can integrate your work and well being. I hope you have an amazing week. It's your time to shine. Bye.

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