#45 – Growth Mindset: 5 Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned Since Taking My Leap & Inspiration To Face Your Fears | Empowerment & Career Advice

How can adopting a growth mindset help us navigate the challenges and successes on our journey? In this week’s episode of the Daring to Leap podcast, we are taking a moment to reflect, embody a growth mindset, and do some celebrating! In this episode, you will learn five valuable lessons I have learned since taking …

#45 – Growth Mindset: 5 Powerful Lessons I’ve Learned Since Taking My Leap & Inspiration To Face Your Fears | Empowerment & Career Advice Read More »

How can adopting a growth mindset help us navigate the challenges and successes on our journey?

In this week’s episode of the Daring to Leap podcast, we are taking a moment to reflect, embody a growth mindset, and do some celebrating! In this episode, you will learn five valuable lessons I have learned since taking my leap. I will also be sharing the fears I had to face to create this podcast & I’ll be revealing a big announcement!

Whether you’re starting a new venture, embarking on a personal growth journey, or looking to make impactful changes, these lessons will resonate with you.

By listening to this episode, you’ll:

  • Be encouraged to embody a growth mindset
  • Learn 5 valuable lessons from my leap from corporate to entrepreneurship
  • Learn the fears I had to push through to start this podcast and be inspired to face your own fears
  • Be encouraged to believe in yourself and take that next step toward what you really want
  • Hear a big announcement!

Tune in to gain insights, embrace growth, and overcome challenges with me as I dive into my personal journey and the transformational lessons I’ve learned along the way!

More from Host, Loree Philip GET YOUR FREEBIE! Career Energy Boost GUIDE: 5 Strategies To Add Life And Vibrancy To Your Career – Grab your copy HERE.

Are you ready to shed self-doubt and fears that are keeping you from taking your leap? Let’s chat! Book a FREE Confidence to Leap call with Loree Philip: HERE

Connect with Loree:

Instagram – @loreephilip

LinkedIn – @loree-philip


[00:00:00] Loree Philip: Hi, and welcome to the daring to leap podcast. I'm your host, Loree. Philip, I am so excited to dive into this week's episode with you. In this week's episode, we're taking a moment to reflect and body a growth mindset and do some celebrating. In this episode, you'll learn five valuable lessons. I have learned since taking my leap. I will also be sharing the fears I had to face to create this podcast. And I'll be revealing a big announcement. Let's dive in

[00:00:32] Loree Philip: first of all. I just want to thank each and every one of you for listening. This has been quite a journey for me. I took my leap on July 1st of last year, leaving my corporate career behind. Of 16 years to chart my own path. It's not as often as we should take to take a few steps back. To reflect. See what we've learned, notice how much we've changed. And grown and [00:01:00] really acknowledge our accomplishments. And that's what we're doing today. With a growth mindset, you can believe that you get better at something through effort, practice, and learning. You see challenges as opportunities to learn and improve instead of giving up when things are hard. You keep trying and you believe your abilities can develop over time. We're leaning into a growth mindset today is I share with you the five lessons I've learned. Since I took my leap. And then I'm going to give you an update on the podcast. We're going to celebrate and I'm going to make a big announcement. I'm so excited to share with you the next chapter of my journey. Let's get started.

[00:01:44] Loree Philip: The first lesson I want to talk with you about today is that Rome wasn't built in a day, and I think we can get really caught up in this idea of seeing where we want to be and being a bit [00:02:00] impatient on how long it actually takes to get there.

[00:02:03] Loree Philip: But when you're trying something new, when you're stretching outside of your comfort zone, when you're building something from scratch, Things take time, and it's okay, part of the process is that we need to learn to crawl, and then walk, and then we can run, this particular lesson, I'm continuing to let it soak in because although I can look back and see all of the things that I have accomplished, there is this feeling of, but I want to be You know, 10 steps ahead of where I am and that's okay.

[00:02:41] Loree Philip: when we look at various different other people who are ahead of where we are, sometimes we forget to lose sight of their journey. They didn't just. Jump in and be a hundred percent successful on day one nobody just starts their career [00:03:00] and steps right into the CEO role of a big company and so we have to practice a little patience and give ourselves some grace and know that The journey takes time, and that is part of the process.

[00:03:19] Loree Philip: The second lesson I want to share with you is Progress is better than perfection, I have a sign now at my desk that says this, I think for those of us who feel connected with this idea of perfectionism, that it needs to be perfect before we're willing to, to put it out in the world, or to finish that project, or Or even get started if we wait to be perfectly ready, we'll never get started.

[00:03:49] Loree Philip: what I really learned in thinking about this and in trying it out and trying different things is that you actually need to, learn [00:04:00] through the act of getting started and moving to the next step because, just the idea of you can't learn to. To ride a bike by reading the instruction manual on how to ride a bike, you have to go and try and you have to get on that bike and you have to fall off and you got to try again.

[00:04:19] Loree Philip: if we wait to be perfect, we'll never, we'll never get there. We'll never get started. We won't let go of that instruction manual. there's. There's so much learning and growth in the actual doing. what's interesting is that,sometimes you have to, to go through that process to figure out what your real next step is going to be.

[00:04:41] Loree Philip: you can't really see that at the very beginning before you take that first step. my third lesson I want to share with you is yes, you have to put yourself out there it can be scary it can be vulnerable and you have [00:05:00] to be able to be seen.

[00:05:02] Loree Philip: this is something I've been working on all year and was really the basis of why I started my podcast. I had actually. posted on LinkedIn on, at the beginning of the year that my new year's resolution was to let go of my fear of being seen and my fear of being in the spotlight. I had been noticing that I, ever since leaving my comfortable cushy corporate position.

[00:05:30] Loree Philip: I was actively hiding. I wasn't sharing what I was up to. I wasn't putting myself out there. And so I decided to tackle that fear head on by starting the podcast. it gave me a reason to show up every week. It gave me an outlet to practice, finding my voice getting, myself out be, to be seen

[00:05:55] Loree Philip: Part of the genesis of this and why it was important for me is I realized I couldn't help [00:06:00] people if they didn't know about Me you you don't want to Be the best kept secret in your company, in your organization, in your career, because you can't go on to that next step unless other people know who you are.

[00:06:17] Loree Philip: we had this episode, a few weeks back I think it was Aaron who talked about there are two things you can work on, your credibility and your visibility. be very credible, have

[00:06:31] Loree Philip: So many skills, that, that can be so useful to many, but maybe you're uncomfortable getting that visibility. Maybe you're uncomfortable asking for the visibility. Maybe once you step up into that spotlight, that doesn't feel super exciting for you. And I understand and I've been there, but it is part of the process and it is an opportunity for growth.

[00:06:54] Loree Philip: lesson number four is to trust and listen to yourself more. [00:07:00] And you know what? I got caught up in this because although I do trust myself and I do often listen to myself and I've been doing this more and more and more since.

[00:07:10] Loree Philip: I started this journey. It's really easy to get caught up in what all of the experts and the gurus and the people who have done it before and the people that you see as authority figures. in your field, in your business, have to say, it's like, this is my secret to success. You should follow this four step path, or here's exactly the strategy you need to do to be successful because it worked for me.

[00:07:42] Loree Philip: Well, at the end of the day, you have more answers than you think. And this is. Your career, you can get advice, you can get mentorship, but don't blindly listen to everybody else. There is a lot of [00:08:00] helpful advice and there is a lot of really good people and mentorship that that is worthy of hearing and seeking out.

[00:08:08] Loree Philip: At the end of the day, trust your gut, listen to yourself more and allow yourself to be your own guide. And the decision maker at the end of the day. Lesson number five for me. Is to remember to enjoy the journey and this one comes up quite a bit for me because I, I left my career to have more freedom, to have more flexibility, to make an impact.

[00:08:40] Loree Philip: And what I noticed is that. I got so easily caught up in all the things I needed to get done that I kind of forgot to enjoy the process and all of a sudden I was creating more than enough to [00:09:00] fill up a nine to five and I wasn't taking the time to do the things that I thought I would do, take a yoga class, take, take breaks, enjoying, enjoying the day and, yeah.

[00:09:10] Loree Philip: We have, we have so much to do and that's true and we have so much on our plates, but our life is the process is the journey and, there will always be that next thing on your to do list to focus on. So it's so important to take a step back and notice when you're caught up to enjoy the process, give yourself some credit for the successes that you're making along the way.

[00:09:40] Loree Philip: The small ones, the big ones, give yourself that credit because, as you move forward and you have successes, it's very easy to say, okay, great. Now to the next thing and not let yourself enjoy it. And that is part of the process for you to, to see, Hey, I [00:10:00] did that. I should just enjoy this for this moment and then move on to the next part.

[00:10:06] Loree Philip: and then the last thing is, and I mentioned this a little bit earlier, and this is kind of a bonus, is always, always give yourself more grace. You are doing so much. You have a career, you have a life. You might have a family, you have goals, you have aspirations, and there's so much that you're doing and you're growing and you're learning, and you're stretching, and you're getting outside of your comfort zone, and it's okay.

[00:10:35] Loree Philip: to take breaks and it's okay to fall a little bit and it's okay if you're not going as fast as you thought you should be and it's okay and so it's give yourself more grace give yourself more slack treat yourself like you would treat your best friendAnd you will just feel better, feel supported along the way.

[00:10:57] Loree Philip: those are my five [00:11:00] lessons that I've learned since taking my leap. I will tell you it has been a journey and I have. I might have mentioned this before, but I really honestly do feel like I've grown more as a person in the last year or so than I had in the prior five years. that's, and that's what happens when you stretch yourself, when you try something new

[00:11:24] Loree Philip: I've certainly had my ups and downs. It has not been a hundred percent sunshines and roses the whole time,

[00:11:32] Loree Philip: I wrote that note on LinkedIn at the beginning of January that I was starting the podcast. And I was so scared because, I'd never done this before. I. I had a mini panic attack after I posted that I was going to do it.

[00:11:49] Loree Philip: I had not recorded one single word and all of the fears came up that you would expect. who am I to, to do this? [00:12:00] what if nobody? Listens. Who cares what I have to say? Do I have anything important to say? Will it make a difference? And all of these things came up and I'm really so grateful that I decided to go ahead and do it anyway let's celebrate some of the successes. because 10 months later.

[00:12:23] Loree Philip: Daring to leap is a five star rated podcast on both apple podcasts and spotify and if you haven't left a review I would love to hear see a review. It really does help Daring to leap is a top five percent globally ranked podcast We have listeners all over the world, these numbers aren't giant, but they're really, really good and respectable.

[00:12:48] Loree Philip: I'm really proud of, of that accomplishment. We've published 44 episodes with a focus on empowering women in their lives and careers. daring to [00:13:00] leap has elevated the message of 33 inspiring and accomplished female leaders, entrepreneurs, and experts. And if you've noticed, that was intentional.

[00:13:12] Loree Philip: I only interview women. I've done that on purpose. There are so many women with amazing things to share, and I have not had any problems finding. More and more and more. If anything, I'm just so shocked that we don't all know who these amazing women are. And I'm proud to say that Daring to Leap has made a real difference for some people, who have reached out to me personally, personally to share, Hey, thank you for this episode or that particular guest.

[00:13:44] Loree Philip: I resonated with her so much, or That story that was shared made me think about this and now I am better off because of it and it just, it just makes it all worth it. It makes this [00:14:00] idea of letting go of your fears and facing them and Having the courage to do what you feel called to do is worth it.

[00:14:09] Loree Philip: And the, the benefits, the results, the, all of the things that come through are more than you can imagine. And so I just encourage you not to let self doubt hold you back on something you really want to do, to, to believe in yourself enough to take at least one step towards take action towards whatever it is that you're thinking about.

[00:14:35] Loree Philip: It was the next step for you and, and see where it goes. And so my, my announcement, and I thank you for sticking here with me today, is that Daring to Leap is coming to video streaming TV. And so I've been recording, preparing since August, recording everything in video and I've [00:15:00] partnered with, Streaming TV network that's going to help bringing daring to leap in video to Amazon Fire TV, Roku TV.

[00:15:09] Loree Philip: We're going to be on YouTube and on a website, and I'm just, I'm really excited for this next chapter because to be honest, when I started, I wasn't comfortable with the audio and once I got comfortable with the audio and actually letting. Speaking in and having these conversations, the next step is video and you can just reach a different audience through video.

[00:15:34] Loree Philip: I'm really excited to share that. We're going to be launching sometime before the end of the year and we can be a little flexible with that. We'll see how it goes. But it's definitely an exciting next step. And again, I'm so grateful for you all here. I just want you to know that, this has been such an amazing journey for me, but I'm here.

[00:15:57] Loree Philip: I'm here for you. And I, I do. [00:16:00] Want you to know that I believe in you. I believe in your ability to go for what you want and that you really deserve it if if you have a feeling in your heart a desire that you are thinking about It's worth pursuing. It really is. Thank you again, and I will be talking to you soon

[00:16:22] Loree Philip: bye Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you've enjoyed it, I would love for you to subscribe. If you're already a subscriber, don't forget to share the podcast with a friend. Hope you all have an amazing week. Until next time. Bye.

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